Chapter 1.7 - Hunting the Mighty Elk

The sky bore only the slightest blotch of dawn when Auru roused Billy from a shallow sleep. 

"Oh fuck, you were serious?" Billy yawned, sleepily grasping for his loincloth (the women of the village had generously offered to wash and dry Billy's clothes for him, a process that wasn't likely to wrap up any time soon). "How about you go on the hunt and I stay here?"

Auru's scowl told Billy everything he wanted to know. "If I do that, Eshana will ask you where I went, and I do not want you to have to lie to her."

"Auru, they're going to find out-"

Auru reached out and physically closed Billy's lips shut with his fingers. "No. No more mouth noises, Billy. You and I are going to bag the biggest, meatiest elk from the forest and bring it back for the clan. We'll show Strong Elk he doesn't have any right to hog these hunting grounds. And, we'll prove to Eshana that I can provide for her people. It is the most brilliant, amazing plan that any hunter has ever had! Nothing can go wrong! Now here, take this knife I got you."

Billy looked down to see a stone-carved blade had been forced into his hands. He bit his lip. At least Auru had confidence. "Auru, I don't know how to use a knife."

Auru made a stabbing motion. "Like that!" The caveman rushed towards the hut entrance. He turned around, impatiently, and waved Billy hither. "Come on, before anybody sees us!"

There was a big problem when the most cautious man in the room was Billy. Unfortunately, Billy was also tragically susceptible to any man capable of making him shoot heavy, thick loads like the one he'd burst last night. And the night before. This was a tough call. A battle between id and ego and penis.

And Eros.

Nervously grasping his chain, Billy looked down at the heart lock. "No choice but to help out the stud, right?" Not if I want to be stuck eating deer carcass for the rest of my life.

Billy reluctantly followed Auru down to the river, where they both bathed, as to help diminish the chances of their scent being picked up by their prey. The cold water was enough to stir Billy completely awake. After this, the two men crossed to the other shore and entered the woodland. Forbidden ground.

Fortunately for all hunters involved, both novice and expert, it was shaping up to be a fine Palaeolithic morning. The air was temperate. The sun was bright. It was a good, crisp day for hunting. Auru appeared to be in his element, anyway, gingerly shuffling along ready to take down any animal that crossed their path.

A few steps into the woodland, Auru stooped over, giving Billy a fine look at his hindquarters and loincloth wedgie. He pointed to the ground. "Tracks," he said.

Billy furrowed his brow. "How can you tell?" Intrigued, Billy inched forward.

Auru quickly caught his ankle. "Because you are about to step in reindeer poop."

Auru was right. Billy wrinkled his nose and carefully retracted his leg. "I told you, I'm bad at hunting."

"You haven't even tried," Auru rightfully argued back. He stood up and crossed his arms. "You talk a lot about being bad things you haven't even done before. You also talk about being bad at things you have done before. If you were really so useless, Billy, how would you have made it this far."

Are you a hunter or a life coach? The near-naked man looming in front of Billy was absolutely correct. "I've just been going through some stuff," Billy said demurely.

Auru motioned to the woods. "No, we are going through a forest. Together."

"Yes, yes, it all feels very symbolic. Okay, all I know about hunting is from what my redneck friends out in Western Massachusetts used to tell me. You gotta' walk slow, like a few paces every other minute, so as not to scare the deer."

Auru looked like Billy had just gotten on all fours and 'presented himself' to him again. "See! You do know how to hunt after all. That is such a wise technique, Billy."

Billy wasn't about to argue with a win. With a smirk, he shrugged and slowly followed close behind Auru.

Turned out, hunting was way more boring than Billy could have possibly imagined, and a brain baked by 21st century attention span habits simply did not have the capacity for the level of patience involved. In a time when all humans had was time, the threshold for focus was wide and expansive. Still, Billy grit his teeth and remained silent while Auru led them deeper into the brush.

The sun dripped through the forest canopy. While this was easily the slowest hike Billy had ever walked, it was still pretty. Perhaps this is what Billy's yoga hook-ups called 'mindfulness.

At some point close to noon, Auru’s keen senses picked up a faint trace of animal on the wind. All he had to do was give Billy a 'look' to communicate what was happening. Billy was happy to play statue and let the prehistoric hunter do the work.

Auru sniffed the air and crept into a stealthy, hunter’s stance, becoming one with the roots and the trees. Auru crouched low through the brush, until he spied his quarry in a nearby clearing. It was a healthy, large deer. It could easily feed the village for a month. In profile, he turned his head towards Billy and nodded. Billy nodded back.

Auru licked his lips. He waited for the deer to wander closer to his hiding spot when he’d leap out and strike. Patience was the law of the hunt, after all. The moment came. Auru seized it, leaping out of the brush.


Strong Elk’s spear missed the deer by inches, embedding itself in a nearby tree dangerously close to Auru's head. The startled creature dashed off into the woods before either hunter could hope to attack.

Observing at a distance, Billy squeaked. "Oh boy."

In the clearing, Auru and Strong Elk stared each other, blinking in confusion from their separate sides of the forest.

“GRRR!” Auru stamped his feet into the earth. “IT’S YOU!”

Strong Elk’s face fell, as if he couldn’t believe his rotten luck. “What!?” He tossed his blonde long hair over his shoulders and snarled at the interloper. “AURU, YOU GREAT, BIG MORON! I almost had that.”

“Uh, wrong! You mean I ALMOST HAD THAT!”

Strong Elk grit his teeth. “I’m not the one stomping around like a mammoth scaring away all the FOOD.” Strong Elk adjusted the ornamental necklace of lion teeth hanging across his beefy traps. He looked up from Auru, to Billy making himself smaller in the bush cover. “What are you and your puny mate doing on Elk Clan territory, anyway!?”

Ugh, the balls on this deer-fucker. Billy coughed. "Auru, let's just leave him-

"YOUR TERRITORY?" Auru shot back. "These hunting grounds are meant to be SHARED!”

Strong Elk rolled his eyes. “Not when I’M hunting. You know the punishment for transgressing on my grounds when I’m hunting game, don’t you?” The leader of the Elk Clan grinned wickedly, cracking his knuckles, before reaching down below his skimpy loin cloth and grabbing his junk.

Admittedly curious, Auru tried stealing a glance, but that one strip of Elk’s loincloth was so frustratingly, tactfully positioned as to just give him but a tantalizing outline of the leader’s girth and length.

Billy raised his hand, like he was back in class. "I would like to know sir!"

"Come out of that bush before I make you come out," was Strong Elk's brutish command.

"Ooh, yes sir." Billy obediently stepped forward, sizing up the mountain of blonde muscle in front of him. "God, it's like if you pumped Fabio with Tren. How are you so wicked big?"

Then, it struck Billy that Strong Elk might very well be a descendent of another hominid, like Neanderthal, or some other sapiens that had not survived into modern day. It would certainly explain his height and mass. They really don't make 'em like him anymore!

Strong Elk was too-happy to illustrate. He posed, with his hands on his deadly hips and bounced his meaty, round pecs. "Fair question, small one."

"I am not that small."

"To me you are. As I was SAYING. Any hunter from the Bull Clan unlucky—or luckyenough to get caught by Strong Elk will be subjugated to 'punishment by gaping'." Strong Elk punctuated this by bouncing his pecs up and down some more.

"Very nice tits," Billy said, blindly. Auru threw him an annoyed look. "But what is this gape—oh you mean have sex with them. You have sex with them, don't you?"

Strong Elk tossed his locks over his shoulders again "The Elk is as strong as he is quick, and I have overpowered many a virile tribe member, bending them over a log and rutting them mercilessly until they cried out for submission."

"Consensually, I hope-"

"-Their sweet surrender is usually enough to make the Elk bust. I then march the fool back to the Bull village to present himself, and his swollen, red, hole for all the men to see! Let them know of the Elk's ample seed!"

"While all of that sounds very erotic," Billy said, trying to keep his boner hidden beneath his loincloth, "could you please stop referring to yourself in the first person?"

"Auru is not afraid of the smelly Elk," Auru said, stepping forward. "Or his big, delicious, sweaty chest! I have fought predators with my bare hands before!"

Billy nodded, realizing he had just become Auru's hype man. "It's totally true. This guy is wicked good at crushing things."

Elk’s lips curled into a sneer. “You’re lucky your mate is handsome, Auru, otherwise I’d break him.”

“AS IF I'D LET YOU!” Auru snarled back. He stepped forward confrontationally.

"I'd let him," Billy said, knowing where all this posturing was heading. Like or not, Auru was about to stand up to Strong Elk once and for all.

“I’ve broken lions!" Auru said. "What is an Elk to a Bull?" Auru threw his stone knife to the ground. It embedded itself in the dirt. Auru then held up his fists, signalling a trial by hand-to-hand combat.

Elk looked like he couldn’t believe someone had actually threatened him. The chieftain of the Elk Clan considered Auru’s threat posture for a moment, looked the beefy huntsman up and down, and then pressed his chest against Auru’s, locking eyes with his nemesis.

"And when Strong Elk wins," he said, "I will take your mate from you and rut him mercilessly right here in front of you!"

"Oh noooo," Billy said, faking horror.

Elk narrowed his eyes at the (slightly) smaller caveman. "And then I'll rut YOU."

"Billy and I will do the same to you when I win!" Auru spat back.

Billy's eyes darted between the two giant, muscle studs. "We will?"

“RAGGGH! Let’s find OUT THEN!” Elk pushed Auru away with a bounce of his pecs.

Auru balanced himself and immediately began thumping his chest. “RAGGGH!" Auru did the same, pushing Elk back. 

Strong Elk flexed his big biceps again in the hopes of intimidating Auru. “BE PREPARED TO GET CRUSHED!”

"I' over here," Billy said, darting towards the safety of the bushes. "You know, watching and stuff?" FUCK, THIS IS SO HOT! It's like stone age pro wrestling!

Auru didn’t wait for stupid, preening Elk to stop showing off. He dove for Elk right away, catching him by the waist and bringing him down to the ground into the soft grass. Elk grunted, taking the brunt of the collision with his broad back, but he refused to let Auru gain the upper hand. He wrapped his massive arms around Auru waist and turned him over. The two men’s loincloths swayed to the side, mid tumble.

In the bushes, Billy smirked. "Hell yeah."

It was an inelegant, messy brawl. Auru and Elk weren’t out to kill each other, thankfully. Both men refrained from using their fists, or striking each other. This was a fight for sheer dominance; the only laws out here were raw power and aggression.

Elk managed to swing his big legs around Auru, holding him in a position Billy's old jiu-jitsu frat mates called 'guard', and stopping him from going for Elk's arms or throat. “I will SQUEEZE the life of you,” Elk roared, flexing his quads and glutes.

Boulder strength compressed Auru’s midsection. He howled, annoyed he had been caught off guard by such a basic move. “Auru is…strong!” the caveman said through his grimace. He grabbed beneath Elk’s big, veiny thighs and began pulling them apart.

Elk’s cocky sneer faded. He clenched his jaw and tried to keep his legs fastened around Auru’s torso, but the hunter was stronger than he’d anticipated. “Not bad, mammoth breath. But how about this!”

Auru managed to break Elk’s hold, but the leader of the clan took advantage of Auru’s shifting combat priorities by wrapping thick arms around Auru’s neck and shoulders, pushing from below and trying to strangle him from the front…or at least put him into a painful joint lock.

“Too easy!” Strong Elk laughed.

"Come on, Auru!" Billy shouted from his viewpoint. "Poke him in the eye! Put him in a headlock. Pull his hair! KISS HIM!"

"Your mate is annoying!" Elk spat, in Billy's direction. "I will be sure to dig into him extra hard once I've conquered you."

"Jokes on you, blondie," Billy jeered, "I'm into that shit!"

Auru allowed Elk to gain purchase. Instead of trying to fight back, however, Auru used Elk’s momentum and balance against him. Auru pushed forward, spearing his head into Elk’s heavy chest, using it as leverage to tumble into a roll over his body, breaking his grip in the process.

Auru landed on his feet. Elk sprung up to meet him…’sprung’ being the operative word in this violent endeavor.

Auru looked down at Elk. “Woah! You must really like fighting, huh?”

Elk’s loincloth now hung partially off his long, uncut, protruding cock. There was almost no point in the man wearing the covering at all! Elk growled. “Strong Elk is not the only one.” He pointed down.

Auru blushed. All this aggression, heat, and skin-to-skin contact must have riled him up more than he cared to admit. His thick, engorged member pulsed his loincloth up. “Grrrrr. Then…we shall fight like beasts!”

Auru stripped his loincloth off and proudly displayed his tool for Elk. Somewhere in the bushes, Billy made a noise.

Annoyed, and not to be outdone, Elk snapped off his loincloth and tossed it to the side. “Auru, you are big. But Strong Elk is bigger!” He laughed, rudely swinging his big, elk meat up and down in an almost juvenile fashion.

It only pissed Auru off. “Time to find out which one of us is the real dominant, breeding male!” He roared. He dashed forward and brought his hands up to meet Elk’s in a test of strength. A glistening sheen of perspiration coated both of the muscular men’s thick bodies—quite the feast for Billy, watching lustfully from the side lines. Dark haired Auru and blonde Elk of the luscious locks pressed their foreheads together, mid-grapple, staring intently into each other’s eyes.

Billy, who had unconsciously begun playing with himself beneath his lion skin flap, thought Auru and Strong Elk had a matching expression: a snarl of determination with a hint of a smile. 

Elk and Auru’s biceps and triceps bulged out from their skin, veins pulsing so hard that it looked like their muscles might burst. Their feet pushed against the ground, causing both of their enormous, muscular backsides to tense and flex. Any lucky passer-by might have mistaken the tussle for two beasts locking horns. At this point, Billy dropped his loincloth and reverted down the the buff. He suspected Auru would have no qualms with Billy stroking himself to his fighting prowess. It was probably expected of a mate, anyway.

Billy wasn't alone in his 'enjoyment' of the stone age smackdown either, because the combatants were on the verge of turning the wrestling match into a 'swordfight'. As the pressure mounted, so too did Auru and Strong Elk's stiffening erections. The strength contest only served to swell their cocks. Damn, they're both the breeding beasts, in my opinion!

“Ha!” Elk said, suddenly breaking the old, causing Auru to stumble off guard. “I have you now!” Elk reached down and pulled Auru into a tight embrace—a bear hug.

Auru reared his head back in pain, his spine and rib cage starting to compress in Elk’s iron grip. “You…tricked me!"

Elk smiled cruelly at his captive, adding insult to injury by dragging his thick, wet cock against Auru’s. "Auru, once I’m done with you, you AND your mate ate gonna' look like you’ve been taken up the ass by a mammoth. Everyone’s gonna come and stare in awe at the mess I’m gonna’ make out of both of you!”

That dirty, conniving bastard! Billy thought. Ignoring his need to nut, Billy opened his mouth to fire off another round of encouragement but a different, louder sound drowned him out.

The earth vibrated, in much the same way as the night before, when Auru and Billy had listened to the sound of something large and unseen stomping through the nearby tundra. Heavy footfalls rocked the earth. Then came the splitting, cracking sound of a tree toppling over. It was enough to put the fight on pause. For a moment, anyway. 

With Auru still caught in his gorilla grip, Strong Elk stopped and listened. He sniffed the air. It was the first time Billy had seen anything on Strong Elk's face other than arrogance.

He was scared.

Motionless, Billy held his breath and listened. An eerie baritone resonance (like the cross between an oncoming train and the cry of a blue whale) spread across the earth. Billy felt it in his bones. In his skull. Overcome with primal fear, Billy felt his blood freeze.

To his relief, the thundering footsteps tapered away into the distance. The natural sounds of the forest returned.

Billy glanced over at the tableaux of Auru caught in Strong Elk's ridiculously huge arms. "Hey, Elk, Maybe you shouldn't have talked shit about mammoths," Billy whispered.

The cocky arrogance returned to Strong Elk's chiselled face. "Pah, it's nothing."

Auru still struggled and strained in Elk's clutches. "You...let up on me," he said. "Just then. You could have finished the job."

“What?” Elk growled, leaning down, and licking the sweat off Auru’s thick neck. “Why didn't you take the opportunity to break free?"

"Because...I'm not...a coward. Like you."

Strong Elk's eyes widened and whitened with rage at Auru's jibe. Billy watched in horror and arousal as Elk's triceps and biceps popped and Auru let out a painful whine. "Are you going to yield, or will I have to snap you in two?”

Billy bit his lip. This did not look good. If erstwhile mammoth wasn't going to crush Auru, then Strong Elk certainly would. 

Then, with defiance, Auru looked up into his opponent's face. “You…call…that…a bearhug?” Auru mustered back.

Suddenly, it was Elk’s eyes who bugged out in horror. Somehow, Auru had managed to break the hold—not only that, but he had reversed it too, clamping his tight clutches around Elk’s waist. Auru folded his knuckles into Elk’s lower back.

That was Elk’s fatal error—grasping too high up. He'd been to angry to realize it, Billy thought, and Auru had taken advantage. 

“GAHHH!” Elk squealed out.

Sweaty, grunting, Auru kept the hold on tighter. “I…don’t want to break you, Elk. But I will if I MUST!” He thought he heard something start to snap. "DO YOU YIELD!"

Auru's primal roar made Billy's mouth open and his cock begin to drip. Fuck, he's scary!

“N-n-no!” Elk cried out. 

Auru growled and gripped tighter, driving his hands deep into Strong Elk's spine and lifting his massive body off the ground! Elk's feet dangled, uselessly. Billy thought he heard the sound of something starting to squeak towards the breaking point.

Elk's mouth erupted with spittle. “AGGHHHH! My…back! DON'T BREAK IT! I YIELD! I YIELD!”

Auru dropped Elk to the ground like a chewed up bone. With a ferocious stance, Auru panted, breathing heavily, in and out. His sweat dripped like rain upon Elk’s trembling, twitching body, dewing his red, bruised back. 

Billy tensed, slightly afraid Auru might actually finish the job. He had never seen the caveman so feral! Billy watched Auru plant his dirty, bare foot squarely on Elk’s spine, making the big man groan even more. In victorious arousal, Auru's dominant, primal cock throbbed, dripping humiliation onto Strong Elk's red, sore, raw back. Billy felt guilty for being turned on by this spectacle of male bravado.

Auru thumped his chest furiously. With another spurt of pre-cum, he roared, letting the whole forest and its creatures knowundeniably—that he was the real king of the clans.


When Auru was done, he reached down, slowly, and grabbed a fist full of Strong Elk's pretty hair. The blonde bruiser whimpered, submissively. "No, no more!"

Auru forced the shamed man to look him in the eyes.

“Look at me, not-so-strong Elk,” Auru growled in demand. “I am—”


"Wait, what?" Billy nearly fell out of the bushes, face first. "WHAT!?"

In bringing Strong Elk close to his head, Auru had left himself open to a far more unexpected attack. Strong Elk fixed his lips onto Auru's. To his credit, Auru did not pull back, though Billy could plainly see his wide, confused eyes from several feet away.

The defeated man released Auru, leaving a strand of spittle on his lips. If Billy had just happened to wander into the clearing now, he would have hardly been able to deduce the winner from the defeated man's grin, and Auru's obvious befuddlement! 

Auru blinked. Elk smiled coquettishly. “That shut you up,” the proud leader said. Still, he winced in pain. "You got lucky. If that wicked beast hadn't interrupted us, I would have defeated you easily."

Billy stepped out of the brush, cautiously. It was impossible to veil his erection beneath his loincloth, but he didn't care. "Auru, do you think it was the same one as last night?"

Even from his kneeling position, Strong Elk dwarfed Billy. "The village hasn't told you two?"

Intrigued, Billy looked to Auru for guidance, but it was obvious what was on his mind. "No talking now," Auru said. He pushed Strong Elk's head down. "Only rutting."

Blood lust still commanded Auru's instincts. He grabbed Billy by the waist and pulled him into his body. Billy timidly looked into his leering eyes. He dared not try to pull back.

"Mine," Auru said, gruffly. He sealed his victory in a kiss on Billy's lips, and a deliberately jab of his mighty cock against Billy's now half-flaccid dick. Auru pointed to Strong Elk. "Do you hear that? Billy is mine."

"Actually," Billy started. "I am my own-"

But Auru's tightening muscles around Billy's frame, coupled with a grunt and a narrowing of his eyes, told Billy where he stood. 

Billy swallowed. "Yours! Definitely yours. Yep!"

With another primal huff, Auru gently placed his hands on Billy's shoulders and guided him around Strong Elk. "On all fours, Billy" he said. "Strong Elk will please you while I take him."

There was little room for argument. Billy, a little perplexed, a tiny bit embarrassed, and largely turned on, assumed the position, making sure Strong Elk got a good view of his chunky, bubble butt.

"You like that twenty-first century, jock ass?" Billy called back. He turned his head and gave Strong Elk a mischievous sneer, while shaking his cheeks side to side. 

Strong Elk groaned. "This is so humiliating," he mumbled.

Auru grabbed the back of Strong Elk's head and forced his head down. "That's the point. Humble yourself in front of my mate. Smell his heat."

Thank goodness they couldn't see his face, as Billy's cheeks (the ones on his head) turned red. "Oh." This is a bit dirty, even by my standards! Good thing I bathed this morning. 

Turned out. Strong Elk was down for more than just smelling. Billy felt something wet and warm glide against his hole. He couldn't help but let out a small moan of satisfaction, while is cock pulsed and dangled between his legs. "Oh, okay," he said, breathless. "Yeah. I do see the vision now. Thanks, Auru."

Strong Elk lapped and licked, and when that wasn't enough, he reached down, pulled Billy's cock and balls through his thighs, and began sucking on those too. 

Billy lost control of his eyeballs, which swirled back into his skull. "Oh fuck, Auru, he's sucking me from behind." He couldn't resits pushing his ass back, into Elk's face. "That's right. Switch on and off. Suck me and eat my ass smoothly, Elk."

It was like Strong Elk lived for this, and only this. With a wet pop, he relinquished Billy's thick cock from his mouth and dove straight back into his hole.

"He has been made submissive," Auru said, stroking his own proud, leaking cock. "He knows to please the dominant man's mate."

"He does," Billy whined, while he dug his nails into the soil, holding on while Strong Elk gave him the most intense, deepest rimming of his life.

Now, it was Auru’s turn to feast. He crawled forward, over Elk's broad back. Like Elk had done, Auru initiated by sniffing him. Elk’s ass was big, like the hindquarters of one of the animals Auru would have hunted in this forest. His pink hole puckered and winked, suggesting that Elk’s body knew what it wanted. Auru pressed his lips against it first, gliding his beard scruff over his defeated opponent, making him moan with anticipation.

Then, he ate.

“Oh, Auru…” Elk groaned out, tears in his eyes. “That’s…so good.” The long-haired muscle man turned around and gave Auru a yearning look. He had been tamed, rendered submissive.

"I was just trying to wet you up," Auru said. "Now I will take you. If you need to scream or moan, do it by putting your face back into my mate so he can be satisfied with your sounds of defeat."

Auru dove in hungrily, forcing his cock to spread apart Elk’s cheeks, even as he squealed and groaned. The clan chief’s ass with warm and very tight, suggesting he hadn’t ever been penetrated before.

The sounds Strong Elk made in response did, in fact, vibrate through Billy's shaft, making him leak into the big man's mouth. "Fuck, this is so fucking raw. I love it. Breed him, Auru."

“Unnng,” Elk groaned, wincing. “I…am STRONG. I can take it.”

“You’re whimpering like a little calf,” Auru snorted, fitting his girth into Strong Elk's hole. “But unlike you, I’m not a bastard. If you aren’t man enough to take all of me in, I’ll gladly—”

“Strong Elk is man enough to take the biggest man,” Elk shot back. "Fuck me like you mean it."

Ungh.” Auru began to slowly pull out and back in, savoring Strong Elk’s wet-warmth around his cock. “You know, you can just say you like it. You’re letting your pride get in the way of a good time!”

Elk’s hands reached out and gripped Billy's cheeks, tightly. “Fuck, it hurts but it feels amazing.”

“See?” Still, Auru wasn’t about to show mercy. He pushed alllll the way in, watching Elk shiver and hearing him whimper. “You…feel so good,” Auru said, eyes rolling back into his head.

“So…so…do you.” Elk tightly clenched his jaw. He could no longer hold back his shame. “I…I want you to mate with me, Auru."

Jealously wasn't about to get the better of Billy now, especially this close to cumming. He was happy to listen to Auru grunts, Strong Elk's moans, and enjoy the moments whenever Elk ate him out or sucked him off from behind. 

"We shall breed together," Strong Elk sighed. He arched his back. "RAGH!”

Ragh!” Was all Auru could eagerly grunt back. He couldn’t hold back any longer. Seized by a biological, primitive yearning to fuck, he grabbed Elk by the arms and pulled them back, using them as leverage to fuck him even harder. Elk moaned in masochistic pleasure, bending backwards only to be utilized further by the dominant mate. Auru pounded away at Elk, wanting only to go in deeper and deeper.

Elk's ass rose to the challenge, hungrily pulling Auru inside him as the prehistoric men went about his furious rut. Auru was mindless in his pulverizing; eyes going glossy eyed. Elk joined Auru in his expression of distant ecstasy. He let Auru take him, open him up, widen him as Elk had done to so many men before. Equally captured by the primal trance, Elk began drooling openly, his cock leaking precum like a flowing river all over the bare earth. Soon, the grove filled with the sound of Auru’s cock and balls slapping against Elk’s hard ass, and their animalistic grunts.

That did Billy in. He couldn't hold back. "Guys, I'm gonna-"

Auru made his demand. "Billy, my strong, handsome mate. Cum on Strong Elk. Mark him for me. Show him that Auru's mate is just as virile as him."

Billy didn't have much choice in the matter, anyway, especially as Strong Elk buried his nose and mouth in the space between Billy's hole and balls. His long hair tickled Billy's wet shaft and perineum, and brought him to the point of orgasm.

"S-sorry," Billy squealed out. He began releasing jets of milky white all over Strong Elk's face, covering him in a mask of defeat.

Without mercy, Auru dropped Elk’s arms and brought his hands around his face, clawing into his head and yanking his neck back.

Strong Elk squealed. “Agh. Auru.”

“Look at me when I’m breeding you,” Auru demanded. “You, submissive mate. Me, dominant mate.”

Head bent back in a painful position, Strong Elk did as he was told, meekly making eye contact, while Billy's white excretions dripped down his cheek, entering his mouth. 

The visual only made Auru go harder. He plowed Elk further, penetrating his innermost parts. “Ugh…UNGGG. Strong Elk is tight and warm…”

“Grrrahhh.” Elk moaned and roared with wild abandoned, joined only in harmony with his feral lover.

And Billy, satisfied, sat naked on his butt and watched in wonder as Auru went full bull, breeding Strong Elk senselessly. 

Eventually, Auru raised his head. He was beyond words. “Elk…AAAAAAGRRRHH!”

Completely lost in a realm of pleasure, Elk did the same, tilting his head up and practically howling out his orgasm. “RAAAAAAAUUUUUUGH! RAUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!”

Mindlessly, the two muscle beasts came at the same time. Billy watched Elk’s thick cock rear up, like a separate, living entity, and began shooting streams of white without ceasing. At the same time, trails of fluid poured out of his hole, even as Auru kept on fucking.

And Auru didn’t stop. He couldn’t, even if he wanted too. Nature had taken control of his mind. 

"Must…breed…must…keep breeding…"

Somehow, Auru pushed through the post-orgasmic pain, maintained his erection, and unlocked a new, sensory achievement. Auru came again, even harder. This time, his feral roars were so strong and intense, that his voice cracked. His eyes began watering. Billy became genuinely concerned, not only for Strong Elk's hole, but for Auru's well being!

Now, the trickle of white running down Elk’s big, muscular quads became a veritable flood. Whatever inner territories Auru had penetrated, Elk reacted fiercely with another round of ejaculation. Perhaps this cum was Auru’s—his flood of virility somehow pushing through Elk’s system, out through the other end of his mate’s sex.

In any case, soon the forest floor around the men was blessed with their white passion. Soaked in sweat, cum, and grass stains, the two beasts finally broke away from each other, falling back down and into each other’s sweaty, hot embrace. Still seized by carnality, the two men rolled around in post-orgasmic ecstasy, passionately kissing each other. Billy was content to watch. Mostly because he did not want to get crushed!

Finally, after they had both caught their breath, Auru sat up on his knees. He crossed his arms and nodded at Elk with a grunt. “Well?”

Elk blinked. “Well, what?”

Auru raised an eyebrow. “You know what.” He motioned for Elk to get up. “Your punishment. What’s it like to be gaped, o’ mighty chief?”

Elk winced, and not only because Auru had thoroughly widened him down the middle. “Oh, come on Auru, haven’t you humbled me enough?”

“I will sit on your face!"

"I never thought I'd say this," Billy, exhausted, said as he tied his skins back around his waist. "But I've had enough faces in butts for one day."

While Auru acknowledged this, he was insistent on brining Strong Elk to heel. He pointed to the ground. "Now, show your shame to my mate."

Elk made a sour expression. After a long sigh, and clenched teeth gritting through the pain, Elk slowly turned around on all fours and reared his ass up to Billy.

Auru grinned. “Now, spread them…slowly.”

Elk’s long, tussled, sweaty hair hung low over his face, obscuring the handsome features of the once-mighty clan chieftain. It was a double humiliation. Faceless, and in agony, Strong Elk presented himself.

Billy gasped. “Oh man, it's like that time at Folsom with that guy and the fire hydrant..."

“Nnnng,” Strong Elk whimpered. It would be far too graphic to describe the state of Elk’s ruined hole in detail, but Billy was impressed. He was also a little horrified. Auru’s seed only seemed to trickle perpetually out of his Strong Elk's ruined anus. 

“Who’s cum is that?” Auru demanded.

“I...I…” Elk exhaled in defeat. “It’s Auru’s cum.”

“Heheh. Good.” Auru stood and flexed, his cock still somehow erect—even after that demanding mating session. “You have been bred by the mightiest of bulls!” He looked down at Strong Elk, his hair still veiling his head.

Billy saw the flicker of pity in his heart. "Auru," he said, quietly. "Perhaps this is the time to make peace between the clans."

Ever magnanimous, the big, buff hunter extended his hand and pulled Strong Elk onto his feet. Billy observed that it would probably be some time for Strong Elk to walk normally again.

“I am not interested in making peace," Strong Elk said. It wasn't so much an aggressive statement as it was sad.

"Cheer up," Auru said, placing his hand on Strong Elk's boulder shoulder. "I was just trying to humble you. We can be friends."

Strong Elk looked down into Auru's shining eyes. He gently removed the cave man's hand from his shoulder. "You are a strong and admirable foe, Auru," Strong Elk said. "But I do not do friendship anymore. Getting bred by you is far less pain than what I've endured."

Billy began wondering if there was a reason behind the Elk Clan chief's gruff, standoffish demeanour. He remembered what Eshana had said, about there being 'more to his spirit than at first glance' and an allusion to a shared sorrow.

"Here," Strong Elk said, while he fidgeted with one of the carved, ornamental teeth strung across his thick neck. He undid one of the strands and pulled the ornament off, present it to Auru. "If you are ever in need, come to our settlement. Though I am not interested in bringing our clans together, I will permit you to hunt in these forests." Strong Elk sniffed. "I guess..."

Billy couldn't tell if Auru was confused or sad, but he graciously took Strong Elk's token. "Thank you, Strong Elk." Auru brought his fist to his chest, a sign of respect.

Reluctantly, Strong Elk did the same. Then, he kissed Auru, long and yearning, before breaking away and retreating into the bushes (granted, it was more of a side-to-side 'wobble').

Billy stood next to Auru, watching Strong Elk recede into the green. "You know that tooth he gave you is basically a 'booty call' ticket, right?"

Whether Auru understood the meaning of these words or not, he did not say. He let out a grunt and began moving back in the direction of the Bull Clan settlement. "I must ask Eshana something," he said. "Something has happened to Strong Elk, to make him sad. Something has happened to the Bull Clan, to make them wary. Auru wants to find out what."

Billy nodded in agreement. "Alright. Time to solve a prehistoric mystery!"

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