Strange bird cries welcomed the three, near-naked hunters, slowly crouching through the unusual thicket of gnarled trees.
It was day four of Billy's prehistoric adventure, the first stop on Eros's horny, time tour, and the novelty of traipsing around the forest in only a loincloth was beginning to wear thin, mostly due to the incessant waves of mosquitos eating Billy alive. Insects were indeed more plentiful in the past. Billy had suggested to his caveman host that he put his freshly washed and dried shorts and cut-off back on, but after giving both articles of clothing (plus Billy's jock strap) a good sniff, Auru decided the forest creatures would only pick up on the scent.
Billy stretched his triceps out behind his head, walking along the forest path while wedged in the middle of his meaty companions. "But we're hunting a plant," he argued to Auru. He dropped his arms and looped his fingers between his backpack straps (Auru let him keep that).
"We don't know how the wugwug detects its prey," Auru calmly argued back. He had a point. "Besides, you look really cute with that lion skin cloth wedged between your fat butt."
Billy blushed and decided that his 21st century sensibilities were outmatched by prehistoric man. In any case, Billy found himself distracted by the walls of muscle to the front and back of him. Strong Elk, of course, was silent and stone-faced, looking like the grumpiest, and most roided out member of an 80s hair metal band. He caught Billy's apprehensive stare and glared back, curling his lips into a snarl.
Billy gulped (he was also turned on). Turned on, yes, but also close to breaking out into a blind panic. He still couldn't fully believe their prey, an actual man-eating (or 'sucking') plant existed, but considering that one of the Greco-Roman pantheon had literally whisked Billy into the past, he supposed anything was possible.
So, Billy stuck
to his courage, trying very hard to block out thoughts of man-eating trees, extant dinosaurs (because why not?) or giant spiders.
Strong Elk switched off with Auru, taking the lead, and poised with a spear as sharp as his eyes. He looked every bit the barbaric hero from one of Billy's old, pulp fiction novels. When he wasn't being an asshole, Strong Elk was quite the beautiful sight to behold.
Auru, of course, was just as wizened a hunter (and just has deliciously meaty), but Billy felt more protected in his presence. After all, the hunk had taken down a lion with his bare hands, so what was some weird, cum-sucking plant? Billy trusted Auru. He was serious. Determined.
However, once Auru broke the silence, his priorities were laid bare. He gave Auru and Strong Elk a broad smile. “So…can I get the first go at mounting this thing.” He licked his lips and, naturally, pulled his cock head briefly out of his loincloth, to give it a tug. Or two.
Elk and Billy groaned in unison. Strong Elk stuck the blunt tail of his spear into the ground in defiance. "You just told Billy the importance of exercising caution. As a hunter, shouldn't you be more focused on taking this thing down?"
Auru stared blankly at the village chieftain. "True, but if it's a plant, it can't exactly chase us. How hard can it be?"
"The man's got a point," Billy said, tapping his chin. So, there really was no point to me wearing this skimpy shit? I'm starting to suspect Auru just likes seeing me near naked.
Strong Elk sighed heavily, making it clear to both of his hanger's-on that he was surrounded by morons.
The further the hunters travelled into the woodland, the more unusual and foreign the trees and plant life became to Billy. The landscape may as well have been on another planet, let alone the distant past. Any one of these formidably large flowers or twisting ferns could very well be the dreaded wugwug.
Billy swallowed, attempting to main composure. “We’ve been walking for about an hour now," Billy said to Strong Elk. "Do you have any idea what this freaky thing looks like?"
Before Strong Elk could hope to chastised Billy, or tap him on the end with the less-pointy edge of the spear, Auru froze in his tracks and sniffed the air. “Strange smell.”
"I haven't bothered putting on deodorant since I got here," Billy said, with a wince. "Not that you'd know what that is, anyway..."
“No, not a 'person' smell.” Auru lowered his head, taking on a hunter’s stance. He sniffed again. “Hmm. It’s not an animal. But there’s something up ahead. The air…smells different here. Sweet. Nice.”
Elk appeared to have no idea what the big lug was
talking about. He decided to be brave and scout ahead. Elk pushed a low branch
aside, allowing his party safe passage into an unusual clearing surrounded by rubbery trees
with hanging, particularly thick vines.
Auru said. He smelled the air again. “What is…”
Indeed, the aroma in the air was both light and strangely intoxicating. It made Billy swoon. He looked down and noticed he was starting to get hard. Granted, being pressed so close to these enormous muscle men tended to do such things, but Billy always thought he had a bit more self control. "Ugggh. Why does it feel like someone just offered me poppers at the club?"
"Oh!" Auru exclaimed, tapping his fist to the side of his head in frustration. "That's what I forgot to bring. A club! Well, lucky I have my stone knife on..." He trailed off, his eyes washing over with a vacant glaze. "Ooooh, guys. I feel...funny."
Not just funny, it turned out, as Strong Elk gazed downward, wide-eyed, at the thing lifting up Auru's loincloth. "Hey, Auru, I think you have a snake trapped in--OH WOW! That's bigger that I remembered."
While Auru and Billy slipped into a vacant, lazy trance, Strong Elk pushed aside the branches to survey the clearing. "That's gotta' be it."
Billy still had enough sense to look towards where Strong Elk stood, atop a pulpy, mesh-like texture on the ground. A series of roots fanned out from the unusual bush in the center of the circle. Protruding out of this bush was an equallY disconcerting, 'flesh-colored' fruit or bud.
"I feel...happy," Auru said. Billy watched a strand of drool fall from his lips, joined in tandem by a strand of pre-cum falling from his pulsating cock tip. Auru trudged forward with the gait of a sleepwalker.
Billy suddenly felt stoned. He giggled out loud, not even aware he was now stroking his cock into a fully erect state. "Auru's horny. Hehehe. I'm horny too. Come back here, Auru! I wanna' do stuff to you." Billy abandoned his backpack to the forest floor to chase after his hunky friend.
As Auru and Billy wandered closer to the plant, the more serious and determined (and thus far unaffected) Elk took note of the vines among the trees. They pulsed with their own tumescence, not unlike the rapidly engorging masses swinging between Auru and Billy's legs. Even the ribbing across the plant's vines resembled the veins on similar anatomy.
“It’s real!” Auru exclaimed, with unbridled enthusiasm, while he examined the odd flower. "This is it! It's the wugwug."
Billy joined his prehistoric mate. The flower certainly looked…sexual. Much to
Billy's own embarrassment, it reminded him of a fancy sexy toy that a hook-up tried on him one time. In specific, the flower had a certain ‘puckering’ quality. Red. Engorged. Puffy. Wanting. It exuded a
mysterious white sap, dripping temptingly from its opening, with an
interior that appeared softly ribbed and moist.
Auru’s face grew red, and his eyes immediately
glazed over. He grunted. In a trance, his cock head announced his intention
with a long string of precum. “Ohhh...I’m leaking like a river. GRAH,
look at this plump, fleshy hole.” He licked his lips. He was hungry. Horny.
Elk tensed (and not just because the scent in
the air forced his own hole to wink and expand as well). He dared not take a step further into
the plant’s sanctum. “Auru. Billy. You two should come back here.”
Had he only spoken a second sooner, Billy may have been spared what happened next. As it was, Billy was barely aware of his surroundings now, fully drunk on the strange, soporific, aphrodisiac emitted by the plant. He could not have noticed the vines, circling and winding like snakes, around his bare ankles. Even when a pair of much thicker vines descended from the canopy, Billy remained blissfully unaware, giggling and masturbating to Elk and Auru's buff physiques.
"I'm so fuckin' horny, bros," Billy moaned. He went cross eyed. "I gotta' bate, guys. I'm sorry. Just let me jerk off for you. Then you can both use--"
Billy hung mid-air, in a 'sling' of vines 'drawing and quartering him'. A series of slimy roots snuck under his muscular back, supporting him in an organic embrace, half hammock, half sex swing. It was enough of a startle to briefly snap Billy out of his trance.
"Oh, shit!" he cried out. He pulled and tugged at his hands and feet, trying to wriggle free, but he found that doing so only tightened the sinewy plants hold on his appendages. He was caught. Captured. "H-hey, guys! GUYS!"
Elk whipped his head back. "Billy!"
But Auru distracted him. Entranced, Auru grinned, drooling as he slid his bulging cock into the plant’s gaping crevasse. It was a perfect fit. At his entry, the plant’s lips folded around Auru’s girth, hungrily pulling him in deeper. Elk watched the plant’s budding fruit pulse and contract in satisfaction at capturing prey.
“AAAAAgh!” Auru bestially moaned. “UNGH! Elk! Billy! It feels soooo good.”
From his dangling position, Billy managed to turn his head towards the sound of Auru's ecstatic moans. It’s sucking him off, he thought, half amazed, half horrified. “Auru, come on! Pull out and get this thing off of me!"
There was no helping it; Auru was completely
gone. He thrust forward, wildly grunting. Elk watched the muscles of his glutes
flex and relax, parting with each thrust to show Auru’s open hole. He was in
heat, ready to give as well as receive, or do whatever the commanding plant
“I…can’t help it. I…must…rut. Must...feed...the wugwug. Ungggh.
Even if Billy or Strong Elk had managed to get through to their friend, the vicious wugwug had other plans for the amorous caveman. A rustling in the trees alerted
Strong Elk to the slithering vines, slowly descending from the canopy to wrap
themselves around Auru’s massive arms and legs. Auru didn’t
even react as the plant tightly roped his arms, sticking him to the spot in the shape of an 'X'. In fact, Auru seemed to only produce more drool. His
eyes had completely gone white. He thrust madly, in and out.
“Uhgggh…can’t stop…don’t…don’t want to
stop…must fuck! MUST BREED! RAGGGH!”
Billy, briefly horrified, suddenly relaxed, drunk off the fresh cloud of pollen released from the plant's network. A throbbing tendril slithered over his brow and towards his lips. In his hypnotized mind, Billy saw it as the massive cock of a Brazilian porn star he had hooked up with at a Pride party one time. The 'uncut', engored thing produced a sweet, sticky sap.
Horny, Billy opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. He could almost hear the command of, 'good boy'. I am such a good boy for you, Billy thought letting the sweet poison drip onto his tongue, sending his cock into spasms.
All at once, Billy forgot he was in danger. Harder than he had ever been in his life, Billy's white, thick cock began to release a steady trickle of pre-cum onto the forest floor. A plant vine reached out and undid Billy's hanging loincloth, dropping it to the ground and rendering the thick jock completely vulnerable and open. Despite Billy's gym-given strength, and his tightening, bulging muscles fighting against the organic bondage, he was just no match for daddy nature.
Billy stopped struggling, even as two more of the plant's tendrils wormed their way across his thighs, caressing them and targeting the soft opening beneath Billy's swollen nuts.
The plant probed Billy with its two 'fingers', testing his clean, puckering hole, which widened at the plant's touch and the intake of its hypnotizing scent. Billy could only let out a soft, 'ahh,' as the tendrils entered him and spread his hole apart, allowing for a thicker, meatier, third 'stem' to slip into his opening and gently probe him.
A part of Billy that still held onto reason, despite the whitening of his eyes, was still aware of what was happening to him. Oh fuck, it's entering me. AGH! I can feel it inside me now! Wriggling. Teasing, Tasting me from inside. It feels so good, but this is bad!
On the ground, Elk shook the hypnotic pollen from his head, having gotten dangerously close to falling under its spell. Elk thought quickly and ripped off his loincloth, tying it around the lower half of his face.
Meanwhile, the wugwug continued its assault on Auru. A thicker vine, throbbing with a firm, rubbery bud that looked not unlike Elk’s own cock head, secreted a lubricative nectar. As it had done to Billy, the plant wound its way up Auru’s meaty leg. Its round tip slowly prodded and lapped at Auru’s puckering hole, teasing Auru and entering without resistance.
In hoping to elude the wugwug pollen's radius, Elk backed away into the perimeter of bushes. With one eye on Billy, convulsing and moaning madly above, and another on Auru, doing much the same on the ground, the Chieftain growled softly to himself.
From his safe viewing point, Strong Elk Auru
heard Auru groan with orgasmic ecstasy. Elk watched, in terror and arousal, as
the vine pushed onward into his lover’s innards. He feared it might go all the
way through his body! Thankfully, the vine only seemed to want to stimulate Auru’s prostate as to force the caveman to produce more life-sustaining semen.
The same occurred to poor, helpless Billy. The vine invading his hole moved in and out, in freakish mimicry of human genitalia. Another protrusion grew out from the canopy, a 'flesh flower' similar to the one entrancing Auru on he ground. Wet and dripping with nectar, it found its way to Billy's cock, engulfing it whole.
"Nnng." Billy couldn't form words. The plant pulled and tugged on his mass, milking him hard and intensely. This, combined with the plant toying with his prostate, poking it so softly, caused him to release an ending stream of fluid. The monstrous plant was edging him past the point of pleasure and there was nothing Billy could do to stop it!
Strong Elk looked up at Billy and clenched his fists. “It’s going to eat them both alive,” he mumbled aloud. “Once they start cumming, they're not going to stop. It'll keep stimulating them both until there’s nothing left but dry husks!"
Auru did not look as if he shared Elk's concern. Tongue
hanging out from his mouth, Auru thrust rhythmically, groaning, and grunting
while the vine fucked him, and he, in turn, fucked the pulpy fruit right back like a dog in heat. “Feels good. Feels
good. Don’t want to stop. Can’t stop! RAGGGH! BREED! BREED! BREEEED!”
Poor Billy had already reached the tipping point, but this only drove the wugwug into a feeding frenzy. Billy's whole body shuddered and his hole opened and closed, making the vines inside him pulsate and expand even more, wrapping around his prostate and squeezing down like an anaconda to a mouse.
"Oh fuck I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna' cum. I'm gonnaaaa....FUCK FUCK FUUUUCK!" His orgasms became screams, but the plant refused to relent, only drawing out more and more semen from Billy's aching balls. The trapped himbo could even see himself leaking out of the flesh bud's gooey fibers. "AGGGH! AGGGH! OH, FUCK IT HURTS GOOD!"
Despite his cries, the wugwug continued violating Billy from inside and outside, doing away with his dignity. In exchange, the wugwug pumped him with pure pleasure. No drug could compare to this, Billy thought. If death was near, then Billy would happily, hornily embrace it.
Billy's cock pumped another forced load out of his body, while his mind melted into ecstasy. "" "Who?" Panting. Throbbing. Sweating. Writhing. Pulsing. Straining. The agonizing insanity of a constant orgasm rendered Billy stupid.
He babbled. "Cummmm. Cum more. Cummmm forever."
It was the same for Auru, down below. The plant forced him into a constant rut. His fingers curled and dug into the plant's vines manacling his wrists, while he thrust in and out of it like a wild beast.
There was no way for Elk to rip Auru out of the trance, but maybe there was something else he could do. Dangerously close to losing himself to the wugwug’s devilish spell himself, Elk circled the perimeter of the plant’s enclosure. If the floral fiend had taken notice of him, it didn’t seem to mind. Perhaps it only reacted when it detected the taste of human secretion. If that was the case, then Elk was only seconds away from danger. He could feel his cock involuntarily pulse and twitch with each breath, despite the limited protection offer by the makeshift face covering.
Elk felt his mind already slipping away. Still,
he fought, for Auru and Billy's sakes. To think, these beautiful, buff idiots had been thorns in his hide only a day or so before. Now, the Elk would do anything for his Bull and his dopey, pasty calf.
Even if it meant death by orgasm!
Elk sized up the vegetation. "Everything
about this plant seems connected, from the vines to the fruit. It’s a whole
system. Wait, is that...?"
Now that he was behind the plant, directly across from where Auru was fucking himself into oblivion, Elk saw that the monster had another ‘opening’.
Elk felt a vein in his forehead throb (along with a whole other host of veins somewhere further south). Before he knew what he was doing, Elk cast the speat aside and beat his chest—a threat display as well as a mating display. Elk crouched down, wildly approaching the back of the plant, and the other ‘flower’, with his 'other' spear. He bit his lip and slid his cock inside the mass of vegetation, feeling the whole plant quiver at his entry, not unlike a lover taking on his mass.
It felt warm, tight, smooth, and wet—the
strongest pleasure that Elk’s cock had ever experienced. The sensation was
indescribable, enough to force Elk’s eyes to roll back into his skull, much as
Auru had done when he’d begun fucking this evil thing. The plant’s ribbing slid
up and down Elk’s shaft, mercilessly milking him hard and proficiently.
Food. Water. Air. Sleep. Suddenly, no other
need mattered to Elk. He wanted to keep going, fucking this thing forever in a
state of perpetual edging, not even reaching the apex of orgasm. “Unnngg…” he
On the other side, Auru answered Elk’s groan with one of his own. “Ragggh.”
Poor Billy had stopped moaning altogether. Tongue lolling out of his head, and lost in a white hole of erotic torture, only the occasional full body twitch suggested Billy was alive at all. The rubbery 'flower' over Billy's cock rippled with every fresh intake of his slowly draining seed.
Yet, through the haze of his slow, agonizing orgasm, Billy found a flicker of sense. His eyes swirled towards Strong Elk. He weakly called out. "H-h-help..."
Billy longing sigh was just enough to bring
Auru's mind, focused solely on breeding, back from the brink. He looked down at
the fleshy fruit of the plant. The membrane, laced with veins, was a lot
thinner than at first glance. Most arousing of all, Auru could see his cock
inside the transparent mass, pounding and prodding away.
In the middle of the transparent crevasse, Auru also saw Elk's own glans, leaking precum like a river, feeding the plant what it wanted. Ignoring the fact that the plant’s vines had now taken inside ass—which Auru found somewhat insulting—the Auru realized that the plant was shallower on both sides of its 'openings' than at first glance. The pulsating from the plant reminded him of a heart beat. Perhaps this part of the creature was its core.
“GRAH!” Elk called out, suddenly overwhelmed by
a new, amazing sensation. He looked down to see that Auru’s cock tip had pushed
against his own, in the middle. At the same time, Auru looked up—eyes circling
around until his stare latched onto Elk’s. “El…Elk,” Auru groaned. “Feels good.
Elk’s lips parted, partially out of exhaustion,
and partially out lust. He looked down and found their tips touching, cocks
kissing in the warmth of this flesh toy. “Elk…must breed. Breed with Auru.”
Now, Auru had an idea. The legend said that only
one of immense virility could hope to tame the wuguwug. Many proud, horny hunks
had tried before, only to meet a grizzly (or satisfying) end. Perhaps the
secret to defeating the wugwug planet was in making a ‘group effort’.
“Strong Elk and Auru are the most virile,”
Strong Elk grunted to his lover, who grunted back. Auru looked up at Billy, hanging limp. "And Billy is strong! We won’t let this plant
stop us. We will fuck. We will win.”
“Breed!” Elk cried. “Breed it with me, Auru!”
“GRAHHH!" Auru answered the call, wildly thrusting forward. Without words, he and Elk synched up their thrusts, pressing their cocks together, only to soon part and return, in a wild rhythm. Auru felt the planet shudder. Even the vines manacling him weakened and wilted. Could it be that the wugwug not only had a weakness, but that it bit off more than it could chew? Was the combine horniness of Billy, Auru, and Strong Elk too much for this beast?
Both cavemen devolved into a frenzy of wild heat, but nature’s
rhythm kept their cocks intertwined in a locked frottage. Sweat glistened
across the muscle men’s chest and back, while their glutes contracted and
released with every push forward and pull back. The plant buckled under their
power. Auru felt it weakening, shrinking.
Somewhere above, Billy's mind slowly returned to him. He grit his teeth, fighting against the sensation of his balls being sapped like a juice box. You thought you could drain us, you ugly weed. You
didn’t realize that you were no match for the rutting of a bull, his wild elk mate, and a vers-bottom from Revere, Massachusetts!
The caveman snarled in orgasmic fury.
The grove filled with wet, squelching sounds
and animalistic grunts. The vine that had pulsed and pumped fluid inside Auru finally
slithered out, wet and spent, shaking, and writhing on the floor like a dying
Reaching the apex of their merciless thrusting, Elk and Auru looked down at the same time. Auru came first, his tip unloading itself onto his lover’s organ. The stimulation and encouragement from its counterpart were enough to make Elk’s cock twitch, pulse, and shoot loads.
Auru and Elk, roaring in ecstasy, dual-pumped a
rushing, white river. Their
combined secretions flooded the plant, which buckled and writhed under their
forceful rutting. Auru and Elk, mindless in their orgasm, overflowed the plant’s
basin, which swelled and expanded.
They didn’t stop. It was either stop or die.
Groans turned into masculine screams, and Auru and Elk both forced themselves
to keep on their pump, draining their balls completely. Finally, the swollen plant
cracked open, leaking Auru and Elk’s combined load. It shattered and burst into a
milky white mass of pulp and cum.
The evil was defeated.
Vines shrivelled and died, their husks falling around
the unconscious caveman and their muscular bodies splayed across the soaked
forest floor. The big men’s chests rose and fell with hungry intakes of breath.
And, up above, the vines tethering Billy broken. "Oh fuck..."
Nearly two hundred pounds of white beefcake came crashing down. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Billy's fall was broken. "Ugh," he groaned, more from impact than his aching genitals. "What the hell did I land in." He pulled up his hand to see it covered by traces of green chlorophyl and a viscous white fluid.
Caveman. Billy was covered in caveman. "OH, WICKED GROSS DUDES!"
Auru’s eyes fluttered. At Billy's exclamation of disgust, the hunter finally came
to. “Unnng…agh.”
Elk groaned. The very life had been
sucked out of his cock. He was afraid he might never orgasm again after that.
Weakly, he raised his head to check Auru was still breathing. He found the
ground beneath them was wet and sticky, and the wugwug unrecognizable. The big men had pureed the bestial plant into a a fleshy mass of spent spunk and broken vegetation.
“Look at that,” Elk sighed. “We did it. You have proved yourself worthy, Auru."
“My cock is so sore,” Auru groaned. “I don’t
think I’ll need to touch myself for days.”
Sighing, Elk closed his eyes. He smiled. “I suppose there must be a first time for everything.” The mighty chieftain fought against the urge to fall into a deep slumber. He looked over at Billy. "And you, Billy. You held out against that wicked thing."
But Billy had already gotten up, away from the gooey 'remains' and turned towards the bush. His broad back facing them, Billy shoulders rose and fell.
Auru's keen observation and senses took hold. He sat up, concerned. "Billy. Are you alright?"
With his face turned away, Billy hoped to hide some of the fear and rage from his companions. Adrenaline racked his body. "I'm fine," he lied.
Auru knew that Billy was anything but. He stood. "It's okay, Billy, we did it! Now we can take on that nasty mammoth." He paused. "We'll have a tribe. A home!"
Billy's fingers curled into a tight ball. His muscles strained. "Forget it," he said, tiredly, already moving towards the bush. "I can't do this, guys. I...I just need to be by myself." Before he could break out into a round of frustrated sobs, Billy grabbed his backpack from where he'd left it and pushed the tree branches aside.
"But Billy," Auru started. He went to move forward, to his new friend, but Strong El's firm hand on Auru's shoulder held him back. Strong Elk shook his head, knowingly, while Billy vanished into the bush.
"Let him be," Strong Elk said. "He'll be fine."
Auru craned his head back. Billy was gone. "No he won't," Auru said.
"Auru, he can forge and catch game," Strong Elk assured him. Then, his face changed. "What? Why are you looking at me like that? You're telling me he has no idea how to hunt?"
The sounds of the forest spoke for the two hunters, whose heads slowly turned in the direction of the woods where Billy had receded.
The low cry of a predatory beast spurred Auru into action. "Wait!" he called out, charging forward into the brush. "Billy, come back! It's dangerous out there!"
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