Billy was alone.
But Billy had been alone before.
The beaten down, forest path took Billy to an
open clearing with a lone, strong tree and—more importantly--nothing that could
kill him, eat him, or eat him out. In an angry huff, Billy took shelter
under the trunk, propped his head against his backpack, and looked up into a
cloudy sky that existed thousands and thousands of years before his birth.
“I’m over it, bro,” Billy muttered to himself
(the bro in question). He shifted his mostly bare ass against the uncomfortable
root, wincing at the inner soreness from being fucked by both prehistoric man
and prehistoric plant. “I’m over lions. Over mammoths. Over…sexually aggressive
plants! And I’m done having to handhold sexy cavemen just so I can get back to
a shitty life.”
In defiance of his circumstance, Billy sat up,
removed his backpack, and took account of his stock of snacks and other 21st
century provisions.
“For now
on, I’m going solo! I can survive out here just fine on my own! I got power
bars. Protein shakes. Well, enough to last me two more days, but that’s okay, I
was in the scouts. Call me Billy, the king of the jungle!”
Within the span of ten minutes, however, the
clouds above burst into a cold, drizzly rain that not even the tree’s foliage
could hold back from soaking Billy to the bone.
“Ok, I lied,” Billy said to himself through
chattering teeth. “I wanna’ go home!” Wet and pathetic and exposed to the
elements, Billy grabbed the lock around his neck and held it close to his chin,
as if it were a lapel mic.
“Look Eros, I get it, dude! I learned my
lesson! I won’t be a douchebag to boys anymore. And I’ll try and pay attention
to other people than myself…I guess. Maybe. Now, be a bro and bring me back
But the gods were silent. Only the rain on the
earth answered Billy’s plea. He considered that perhaps, in his frustration,
storming off into the unknown landscape was not a wise move.
Billy sighed, hugging his thick legs close to
his chest. “This fuckin’ sucks,” he said. Then, his ears picked up a new sound
beneath the rain. Perhaps all those days spent hunting with Auru had endowed
Billy with keener senses after all. Something was coming, through the bushes.
Something big.
Billy grabbed the stone knife, his only
defense, and stood up. Okay, remember how the Scouts told you to deal with
bears. Make yourself bigger and scarier. Come on now, scary roar!
So, Billy raised his arms over his head and
yelled, “BAAAAAH!!!” His voice, of course, cracked as he did.
Branches peeled back from the green woodland.
Auru stood at the edge of the clearing and scratched his head in confusion. “Is
that meant to be your scary roar!”
A larger shape behind him grunted, “You need to
train him better.” It was Strong Elk.
The burst of relief in Billy’s chest quickly
dissipated into embarrassment. Despite his stone age diva turn, his friends had
tracked him down. Billy wasn’t sure he deserved it.
The rain polished Auru’s copper skin into a
gleaming sheen. He approached Billy warily, but with good intent. “Billy, what
are you doing out here by yourself?” he said. “I thought you were supposed to
be smart!”
Billy looked between him and Strong Elk,
scowling. “Whatever gave you that impression!” he said, before his attempts at
gruff indifference and self-deprecation cracked. Billy sprung forward and
hugged Auru tight, and wet, against his body. The caveman returned the gesture.
As arousing as it was for Billy to be smushed
against a giant, wet, long-haired hunk, now was not the time. Plus, Billy
wasn’t even sure he had in semen left inside him to expel after being drained
bone-dry by the wugwug plant.
Also, Billy felt like an asshole. After the
initial exchange, Auru and Strong Elk joined Billy beneath the tree. Wedged
between the two caveman, Billy found their bodies were big enough to block out
a sizable portion of the rain.
It was time to address the mammoth in the room.
“Auru,” Billy said. “I feel for you, big guy. I know you want to find a tribe,
which involves killing a giant mammoth…for some reason. But I’m not sure I’m
the right guy for the job. I’ll get in the way, or worse, I’ll get…wugwug’d.”
Strong Elk arched his eyebrow. “You would
abandon us over one misfortune?” he growled.
Billy answered him. “Uh….yes? I was violated by
a plant!”
“Did you not like it?”
“No, I loved it!” Billy blushed. “I just
thought I was in danger and got overwhelmed.”
“Then stop being a coward,” Strong Elk fired
Before a fight could break out, Auru
intervened. “Strong Elk, wait,” he said. “Billy has every right to feel
discouraged and scared after what happened. It was a lot.” He placed his big
hand on Billy’s thigh. “Billy. Listen. Auru was on his own for so long, wanting
to find people. People are meant to help each other. I can hunt, but I cannot
weave, and so I bring back food to the village in return for coverings.”
“But you only wear a loincloth, Auru,” Billy
pointed out.
The gently tapped Billy on the head. “That is
not the point of Auru’s talkings. We all do something to help, Billy. That is
why we bring people together. More people mean more things to share. And no
matter what, you are always part of Auru’s tribe.”
They were nice and unexpected words, but every
time Billy thought about being ‘a part’ of something again, he pictured his
ex’s disappointed face. “Yeah, I don’t bring anything to ‘the tribe’ but broken
Auru smiled warmly. “Auru is going to hit you
now, okay?”
“OW!” Billy said, rubbing the sore spot on his
head where Auru had decked him. Next to him, Strong Elk’s laughter reverberated
through the tree roots.
“There!” Auru said, happily. “You are being
unkind to yourself because it means you do not have to do the hard work.
So, stop being unkind! Stay with Auru and Strong Elk.”
“Even after I ran off?” Billy asked,
channelling all the Irish Catholic guilt of his ancestors.
Auru nodded. Billy looked to Strong Elk, with
his huge arms crossed. The big man grunted an affirmative. A stone age grace
washed over Billy, cleaner and cooler than the rain. Billy tightened his fists
and took in a deep breath, pushing away all the nagging thoughts of inadequacy
and shame.
That was all in the past. Which was technically
the future…
“I’m still not sure I’m going to be any use to
you guys,” Billy said, “hunting this wicked scary mammoth sounds like trying to
sprint before knowing how to crawl.”
Auru stood up, rivalling the tree towering over
Billy. “Of course you will be of use,” he said. “We will find a way. Or
we will all die—but at least we will die together!” The muscle giant placed his
hands on his hips and laughed, causing his pectorals and belly to wiggle.
Billy nervously bit his lip. “Great,” he said.
Then, he realized he was eye level with Auru’s loincloth, and his junk, peeking
out just so, and always, semi-erect. “Ok, suddenly my confidence has been
The warmth of Strong Elk’s hand on Billy’s
shoulder surprised him the most of all. The Elk Clan chief gifted Billy with a
softer look, and then used Billy as a post to stand up (which nearly drove
Billy into the mud.
“Let us find a better shelter,” Strong Elk said
to his companions.
Auru single-handedly pulled Billy onto his
feet. “Come!” he said. “Billy is friend.”
The three returned to the Elk Clan village,
embedded into the rocky cliffside. In Strong Elk’s private chambers, the three
men sat around the fire, ate cooked reindeer (Billy wasn’t sure he’d ever
develop the taste for it) and discussed plans for the hunt. Though Billy was
still out of his element, it gave him the opportunity to study the subtle, and
not so subtle, methods of communication between Auru and Strong Elk.
Auru was reserved, gentle in his approach, and
wide-eyed. He was also incredibly patient, even when Strong Elk’s strategizing
turned towards tangents about how brilliant of a hunter he was, recounting
tales of taking down mammoths and cave lions.
After Auru carefully brought Strong Elk back on
track, the mighty chieftain graciously shared all he knew about
Thunder-That-Walks. The beast was blind in one eye, though which eye was
unclear, either due to injury or natural causes. Strong Elk also suspected,
from survivor accounts, that the doomed hunting party had managed to injure the
mammoth’s left hind leg.
Billy looked to Auru, watching the stone wheels
turn inside his head, while the firelight touched his handsome face. “If he’s
blind in one eye, we can try and focus our attacks from that side. Even better
if the eye is on the same side as his busted leg.”
“Even with an injury like that,” Billy started,
“this bastard could still be pretty mobile.”
Strong Elk cupped his strong chin with his
hand. “Perhaps if we are stealthy, Auru, you can position yourself to one side
of the monster, and I can take the other.”
Auru smiled. “Strong Elk, you aren’t so big and
dumb after all.”
Strong Elk grunted. “I think a distraction
might do the trick. Something to occupy Thunder-That-Walks, while we go for the
A glimmer of confidence touched Billy’s soul.
Maybe this was going to work out after all. Not that Billy was looking forward
to murdering a living creature, let alone one that didn’t exist in his native
time-period. “Ok, this sounds like a not terrible plan,” he said,
pounding his fist inside his palm. “What’s the distraction gonna’ be? … Guys,
why are you both looking—oh, fuck, it’s me, isn’t it?”
After plans had been thoroughly hashed out, and
Billy having reluctantly accepted his role as ‘decoy’, Strong Elk tossed sand
on the fire, dulling it down to an ember, and retrieved several fur skin ‘mats’
for Auru and Billy. Compared to the assorted leaves and uncomfortable ‘bedding’
Billy had endured the last few nights, the animal skins were a luxury.
The prospect of getting trampled to death by a
mammoth didn’t exactly inspire sleep, but Billy’s body had grown accustomed to
finding comfort cuddled up to Auru’s warmth. It wasn’t long before Billy was
adrift in dreamless darkness.
Though, at some point in the night, Billy
experienced one of the best dreams in his life. In the dark, he grinned, half
asleep. “Fuck,” he moaned, between realms. “This is awesome. Yeah, eat my ass
just like that. Fuck.”
Billy’s eyes opened and whitened in the twilit
cave. “Wait, who’s eating my ass?”
Billy looked down to find his pelvic area and
stomach curtained by long, blonde strands, and an enormous shape hunched over
him. Strong Elk’s stern, handsome face tilted upward from its labor. The
chieftain wiped his face and gave Billy a wicked grin.
“It is a tradition among my warriors,” Strong
Elk said, crawling atop Billy and forcefully taking the aroused (and anxious)
man’s face into the valley of his pectorals. “For good luck, I will mate with
Before Billy could provide input, firm hands
clamped down on his ankles and lifted his meaty legs into the air, locking
Billy into ‘position’ and leaving him wide open. Billy’s face smashed itself
into Strong Elk’s pillowy pecs.
“Wait a second,” Billy laughed into the man’s
chest, nervously. He wasn’t opposed to some middle-of-the-night play, but this
was all happening a bit too quickly!
The blonde beast glared at Billy and continued
positioning himself. “You will obey Strong Elk,” he said.
Billy had forgotten all about Strong Elk’s
girth…up until now. For a moment he feared Strong Elk was about to fist him
(one of the few kink’s not on Billy’s menu), when he realized the
pressure digging into his wet hole was Strong Elk’s cock head!
Billy grunted, even as his anus weighed whether
to open itself up big and wide and take in all that meat. “Hey, Elk,
buddy…maybe give me a moment here!”
A shuffle of movement, and a sleepy ‘mm’,
alerted both men to Auru’s hulking shadow rising in the dark. Now, Billy was
stuck with Strong Elk at the bottom and Auru well-positioned to take Billy’s
But the prehistoric hunter was more concerned
with Billy’s autonomy than putting his oral prowess to use. “Hey, Strong Elk,”
he said, in a firm, commanding tone that had Billy flinching (and not in the
most opportune of moments to tense up). “You ask Billy if he wants to be
mounted, understand? You ask!”
Billy nodded, even as he felt the tip of Strong
Elk’s huge cock begin to tease its way into his opening.
Strong Elk responded with a growl and a
frustrated sucking of teeth. The barbarian beefcake looked down at Billy, who
watched his eyes ‘soften’ in real time. The big man sighed. “Very well,” he
said. “Billy, may I breed you?”
Wit the enthusiasm of ordering fast food after
a night of clubbing, Billy smiled and said, “Yes please, that’d be awesome.”
Strong Elk nodded. And then he pushed.
Billy’s satisfied smile quickly shattered into
an elongated grimace. “Oh. Ow. Ow. OW!”
Auru turned his head to Strong Elk. “Take it
“N-no,” Billy said, already fighting for his
life as Strong Elk slid into and parted his insides. “Mama didn’t raise no
bitch. It’s ok.” Though being ploughed by a bunch of slimy vines had left Billy
sore, it had left him a bit more ‘pliable’ than usual.
Even so, Strong Elk’s cock was ‘intermediate’. Billy’s
fingers dug into the fur while Strong Elk made no fuss about digging deep into
Billy and then somehow going deeper (or so it felt). The beast of a
muscle man threw all his weight on top of Billy and pressed both down and in,
pulling and pushing out.
“Oh fuck!” Billy cried out. “This…is intense.”
“Mmm.” Auru grunted, leaned over, and gave
Billy a re-assuring kiss. “In my clan, we do this to give our warrior’s power
and strength. We must both give Billy our strength so he may face the beast
If Billy’s eyes weren’t already glued to the
back of his skull, he would have looked up at Auru in disbelief. “B-both?” I
think I feel my organs being re-arranged.
Auru nodded, as if his new best friend wasn’t
being Jurassic jack-hammered into oblivion beneath him. “You are brave and
strong,” Auru said, over the loud, wet, slapping noises, Strong Elk’s grunts,
and Billy’s moans. “You can take both of us without problem.”
“I-I-I’m not so sure,” Billy squeaked. “AGGGH!”
“Auru will be gentle,” Auru said.
Strong Elk whipped his sweaty hair back and
leered down at Billy. “Strong Elk won’t!”
And he wasn’t! “Ahhh!” Billy said, in a mix of
agony and ecstasy. AH AH AH!” Holy shit, it feels like I’m being fucked by a
It was a mercy that Strong Elk didn’t have
staying power, lest his huge body break Billy’s Ribcage or core him out from
the inside. The muscle man’s nostrils flared, and he made a low grunt. Billy
felt something warm enter him. Beads of sweat dripped from Strong Elk’s hair
and chest, onto Billy.
The chieftain uttered another contented grunt
and then pulled out of Billy, who yelped at his exit and feared all his insides
might go with him (thankfully, they did not).
“Ohhhh,” Billy moaned. “That was…a lot.”
“Strong Elk is virile,” Auru said, observing
the trickle of white leaking out of Billy. Now, it was Auru’s turn. He got into
Billy was scandalized. He had been to a few sex
parties in his time, but he’d never been a ‘mare’! Being double stuffed just so
wasn’t him. But, hey, vacation!
Whereas Strong Elk had dove into Billy like an
angry jack hammer, Auru was more precise in his slow, deep, stroking. He looked
down at Billy with tender, luminous eyes.
“Feels so good,” he sighed.
Billy forgot all about the pain. He let Auru
ride him deep. “Feels amazing,” Billy affirmed. “Oh yeah, hit it right there.”
Not to feel useless or outdone, Strong Elk
leaned over and pressed his face against Billy’s, prodding his tongue inside
Billy’s mouth. As much as Auru wanted only to lock eyes with Auru, he let
Strong Elk kiss him.
He also allowed Strong Elk to slowly stroke and
jack him off. Caught between two wild, buff beasts, Billy was in paradise.
And paradise came sooner than he thought. Auru
shifted his position and buried his cock deeper, angling it at a point where it
hit his sweet spot. Without prompting, Auru rutted quicker.
Billy came before he knew what was happening.
Thankfully, Strong Elk had given him air to gasp. “Oh fuck,” Billy cried out,
glazing his stomach. Looks like the wugwug hadn’t drained him completely. He
shot several thick strands of rope. “I’m coming hard,” Billy moaned.
And it turned out, so too was Auru. With a bestial
roar, Auru grabbed down and squeezed Billy’s puffy, sweaty pecs, using them as
handles. After a series of grunts and sighs, Auru slowly retracted himself from
Billy, who felt the combined efforts of Auru and Strong Elk trickle out of him.
Billy laid back onto Auru’s chest, with Strong
Elk heaving and sighing next to him. The cavemen’s fingers curled and
intertwined with Billy’s, connecting him to them.
“Now you are a strong warrior,” Strong Elk
Billy believed it. “Fuck yeah,” he sighed.
“Let’s do this.”
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