Auru and Strong Elk dropped the white, bloody
tusk in the dirst in front of Eshana’s bare feet. The lines on the crone’s face did not move. Only
her eyes, vibrating, suggested any motion to the woman at all...until she looked
up at Auru and said, “Then, it is done.”
Auru’s chest, painted dry with the blood of the
mammoth, heaved and fell. Quietly, the caveman nodded his head. “It was a
difficult hunt,” he said, while Billy looked alongside him, quietly. “But not
for the reasons you’d think.”
Eshana slowly turned her head towards Strong
Elk, whose face was once again hard and impassive. “No,” she said. “I am well
aware. You have done well.” Her eyes flickered towards Billy. “All of you.”
That, more than anything, hit Billy deeply, and
for a moment he was afraid he might start crying again. Instead, Billy lowered
his head in deep respect.
While Billy couldn’t remember a time in his
life where he’d stared death directly in the face, and felt he was entitled to a bit of congratulations, Eshana’s nonchalance
suggested she wasn’t about to throw a hero’s banquet. “I suspect there’s no
point in sending out a party to collect the flesh, bones, and skins,” the old
woman said, while Kido graciously helped her onto her feet. “If the poor wretch
was tainted by spirits, it could well poison the meat. Better to leave the
beast where it fell, with its people.” With solemn respect, the eldress looked
to the icons on the altar. “The gods are pleased. Even the wind is different. It feels right again.”
Surprising Billy, it was Strong Elk who spoke up in Auru’s favor. “Eldress of the Bull Clan,” he started, “Auru has fulfilled your request. As Chieftain of the Elk Clan, I give him my blessing as eternal brother. Will you give him yours?"
Billy felt time stop (not literally). He held
his breath.
It was the first time he heard Eshana laugh. It
was young. Melodic. Happy. “Obviously,” she huffed. Without assistance of Kido
or her walking stick, the old woman grasped Auru’s hands in her own. “Auru. You
are now one of us,” she said. “Welcome home.”
Once Auru had finally worn himself out from his unbridled joy at being accepted into the clan (which included many tight hugs Billy thought would break him in half each time) he took Billy and Strong Elk to the edge of the village, for some privacy.
Strong Elk had been distant since the mammoth
fall. Billy couldn’t imagine what thoughts played through his head. Maybe now
he would find peace.
The broad chested, long haired man placed his
hand warmly on Billy’s shoulder. It was an unexpected gesture, coming from the
brute, but Billy accepted it.
“This is where I bid you farewell, Billy,”
Strong Elk said.
Confused, Billy glanced between the two hunky
cavemen. “What do you mean? I thought you two—” Billy cut himself off, and then
intertwined his index fingers into a knot.
Strong Elk turned his face to the side,
probably to hide the tinge of redness spreading across his chiselled face. “Auru,
I expect a visit to my cave every now and then,” he said. His firm tone could
not disguise his intentions, however. “You know. Only if you want to.”
Auru smugly folded his hands over his chest. “Auru
will consider.”
“Because, you know, even though I have my very
capable and voluptuous wives…a male mate now and then could be nice.”
“Auru will consider,” Auru repeated,
with a laugh.
The vein in Strong Elk’s forehead pulsed in
anger, but only once. The proud hunter tossed back his regal mane and addressed
the twenty-first-century gym bunny. “I would say, ‘take care of him’, but I know you are about to embark on a journey.”
What does this oversized protein shake know
that I don’t? Billy thought, angrily—that is, until he felt a subtle warmth
against his throat. Was the chain lock getting warmer, or was it just him?
“I know these things,” Strong Elk said. “Billy,
you are no hunter.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“But I now believe you have the potential to
become one.” The chieftain smiled, pounding his fist to his chest and then
raising it, a gesture he repeated for Auru. “Someday.”
Strong Elk too his leave, stepping forward into
the bush. Billy’s eyes savored the last few peeks at the big man’s loincloth, a
‘suggesting’ swaying in the breeze. Man, I hate to see him go, but I love
watching him leave.
A light, but firm ‘pay attention’ tap on Billy’s
head told the unwitting himbo to turn his attention back to his friend. Auru
looked down at him. “Billy, let’s go back to my cave. I want to show you
The shot of adrenaline and emotional overload
from the past day’s events had left Billy fatigued. He looked to the white
smoke from the village fire pit. “You don’t want to stay in the village and party
with your new family?”
Auru shrugged. “I can return here later,” he
said, bearing a wide smile. Then, he stepped forward, pushing his bulky body
onto Billy’s. Belly felt his warmth at once. Thank goodness he’d also washed
the mammoth blood off his chest. “Besides, all this time I’ve been the one mating
with you.”
Billy blushed. He scratched his head, unable to
make eye contact. “Well, yeah. We’ve had some fun.”
“It’s time Auru returned the favor.”
Billy squinted. “I don’t…” Then, he looked down, watching Auru’s loincloth lift upward by the force of his own erection. “Ohhhhh!"
The fire lit warmth of Auru’s cave was almost a
nostalgic site for Billy. He remembered the first time he’d entered it, cold,
uncertain, and somewhat shy.
Auru grunted and got down on all fours, eagerly
stripping off his animal skins, and exposing himself for Billy. He growled
softly, and turned his head backwards as if to ask Billy, ‘What are you waiting
It didn’t take Billy long to find himself overcome
with animalistic desire. He put all notions of formality aside and got on his
knees, crawling over to Auru. Willed by animalistic lust, he buried his face in
Auru’s big, caveman butt, taking in his natural pheromones. The gesture made
his big-bodied friend shiver.
After a healthy application of one of gelatinous,
pulpy gourds (that Billy knew he was going to miss) the twenty first century
man stuck his fingers inside the muscle man. Auru groaned and shook, like a
giant disturbed in its slumber, but made no indication that Billy was to remove
himself. In fact, Billy found that Auru was already ‘ready’. His hole practically
tugged on Billy’s digits, as if willing him to go further in.
Billy surrendered to his urged. After peppering
Auru’s backsides and broad, muscular back with kisses, he pressed the tip of
his cock against the big man and entered.
“Oh, ffffuck,” Billy groaned, as tight warmth enveloped
his mass. Auru growled. Billy returned the vocalization, adjusting himself deep
into Auru’s insides.
“Feel good,” Auru grunted. “Rut me, Billy. Mate
with me.”
It had been ages since Billy had topped, but it
was like riding a bicycle…or a caveman, in this instance. “Fuck yeah,” he said,
before speech left his brain entirely. Filled with a masculine power, Billy
slid in and out, thrusting deep, pulling back, and diving in harder.
Billy was shocked to hear the next roar was
from himself. “RAGH!” He grabbed Auru’s hips and began increasing his thrust,
becoming depraved and hungry in his mating. Auru’s guttural cries of pleasure would
have been a bit too ‘much’ in any other scenario, but in this primal rutting
session, they were fitting. Billy was happy to match them.
Auru, it seemed, was suited to bottoming—but perhaps
a bit unaccustomed. It wasn’t long before the caveman nearly wolf-howled and
spurted his seed against the stone floor, with an ejaculation so voluminous and
intense that Billy could hear it.
That, plus Auru’s sphincter muscles contracting
against Billy’s cock, was enough to bring Billy over the edge. Billy roared and
he released, an orgasm both emotionally and physically intense. It took
everything out Billy (literally). Fatigued, and still deep inside Auru, he fell
forward onto his back, pressing his face against his sweaty-slicked skin.
Eventually, Billy did pull out, and found himself
entangled in Auru’s arms, trading deep, hungry kisses, both men fully aware
that their time together was about to run its course. Or, at the very least,
Billy was. The heart-shaped locket’s warmth had only intensified. It was
impossible to tell if it was some sort of ‘magic’ influence, or not, but Billy
knew this signified that he had fulfilled Eros’s goal and was set to move on to
another time, another place, and another hunk.
Not that Billy could ever see himself making a
real life with Auru, and not because he didn’t like him!
After a week of running around near-naked, the
sensation of modern fabric slipping over Billy’s legs was almost alien. He felt
severely overdressed in the shirt, jock, and shorts the villagers had cleaned
for him.
Billy adjusted his hat and looked over at Auru.
“Not alone anymore, eh, cave-stud? You got a whole village who loves you now.
Which is….more than I can say for me.”
Auru smiled. “Your tribe will love you too,” he
said affectionately. “You just need to find them now. Billy, what you have done
for me…I cannot put into words. So…” Auru motioned back towards the cavern.
Billy sensed—no, he knew—that he was now
on borrowed time. Still, he followed behind, hoping to savor each second with
his new, best ‘mate’ (in every meaning of the word).
Inside the cave, speckled with art of Auru’s
world, the hunter dipped his hands into a clay container of red liquid. Billy
identified it as ochre.
Auru pointed to the cave wall—at the single red
handprint burned into the stone wall. “Auru was here.”
Billy allowed Auru to smear his palm with red
paint, and then let the caveman guide his own hand to the wall, where he
pressed down next to the larger imprint. For Billy, it felt ceremonial,
spiritual, profound. He was almost moved to tears. He pulled his hand back and
admired the fresh print, next to its older companion.
Auru wiped his own hand on a ‘towel’ of moss
and instructed Billy to do the same. Still, their palms were stained. When he
was done, Auru pointed between the wall and Billy.
“You…were here,” he said softly. “Billy,
my mate. Billy, my friend. Give this. Remember Auru.”
Billy was so completely lost in Auru’s gentle
stare that he didn’t understand Auru had meant to give him something until he
looked down at his dry palm and saw the fragment of bone, likely from the lion that
had tried to eat Billy upon his arrival to the stone age. Etched into the white
was the crude, but easily identified shape of a bull, or aurochs.
It occurred to Billy that taking anything from
the past might not be a great idea…but since when had bad choices ever stopped
him? Billy gratefully accepted the totem, swinging his arms around Auru, unable
to connect them across his broad back.
“I won’t forget you,” Billy said. He regarded
again the painted cavern, and the red handprints. “Nobody will forget
Somehow, peering into Auru’s wise face, he knew
that the caveman understood him perfectly.
Just as Billy placed Auru’s gift into the
safety of his backpack (he couldn’t wait to chow into a power bar after trying
to force down that lion meat), his ears perked up at an intrusive noise that
seemed to be coming not from the cave entrance, but all around him.
“Do you hear that?” Billy asked Auru, but all
the colors began to blend, and soon Billy was swallowed whole by the sound of
shouting and clanging metal…