Unfortunately, the rain put a literal dampener on Billy’s amorous aspirations, and by the time he and his hunky, caveman companion had arrived at the edge of a nearby hill, Billy was thoroughly soaked.
Auru nodded to an outcropping at the base of the slope. Billy stared at the opening of a ‘dwelling’ comprised of logs, branches, leaves, and what appeared to be massive bones configured as support beams. Mammoth bones, Billy decided, based on what he knew of the era.
With a huff, Auru
patiently guided Billy into the shelter. Billy saw that it extended into the mouth
of a cavern, with a firepit to demarcate the boundary between the two. A fear
of spiders and other crawling things made Billy think twice about entering, but the sensation of damp, wet clothing clinging to his skin outweighed his fears. Warily, Billy ventured inward.
tossed the lion carcass down at the front of the cave. “Remove skins,” he said,
motioning towards the mouth of the cave. “The Elder showed this one how to make hot
Hot light? Billy scratched his head.
“You mean…fire?”
narrowed his eyes at Billy, obviously never having heard the word, but grunted
in approval nevertheless. “Not many people know how to make. Secret of tribe.” He
smiled, at first. Then, Auru’s expression changed. ‘Sad’, was the only word
Billy found most fitting to describe it.
Auru shuffled past Billy, into the opening, towards the remnants of a firepit. Billy sat on its edge, out of Auru’s way, and removed his wet sneakers, socks, backpack, and hat. Auru briefly glanced at them, understandably confused, but also intrigued at the modern clothing.
big man bent over the pit, removed the lion skin-cowl from around his shoulders, and began
using a hand-drill stone on a collection of dried leaves and sticks in a char
pit. Auru's motions and carefully timed blowing soon bore smoke, then flame.
shivering, cupped his hands over his elbows, hugging himself while he watched
Auru make fire. He decided that there was absolutely nothing ‘primitive’ about
this man, who demonstrated the same capacity for intelligence as anybody else in
Billy’s time (arguably, even more).
Billy moved about the pit for warmth, Auru squatted closer to the fire, opening up his massive thighs and inadvertently allowing the scrap of animal skin around his waist to sway
slightly to the side, giving Billy a hint of what lay beneath. Billy forced
himself to avert his eyes, refusing to let his libido override his code of
again, Auru did say he wanted to mate…
Auru attended to the fire, Billy looked around the cavern. The ceiling was just
low enough that he had to stoop. He noticed, in the cave floor’s natural
depressions, deliberate groupings of berries, mosses, and roots nestled into
wrappings of leaves—essentially, Auru’s ‘pantry’.
one is cold,” Auru piped up. He nodded to Billy, who was indeed visibly shaking at this point.
“Take off skins and lay skins on sticks by fire to dry. Auru will not take.” He
smiled and shuffled over to one of the ‘pantry nooks’ removing a small branch,
which he used to clean his teeth. He offered one to Billy, in an act of
cave-hospitality. He graciously accepted.
examining it and, in a very Auru-like fashion, sniffing it, Billy placed the
branch into his mouth and found it had both the texture of a toothbrush and a
not-unpleasant, sweet taste. He remembered a field trip from when he was younger, when
a naturalist had showed how people in old times used branches to clean
their teeth just like this.
felt a tug on his shirt. Without time to protest, the caveman yanked it off
over Billy's head like he was undressing a toddler for bedtime. Billy dropped the
‘toothbrush’ on the ground. “Hey—hey!”
placed Billy’s wet shirt near the fire, and looked up at him with soft, shining
eyes. “Hmm?”
really was a big sweetie. A big sweetie that could snap a lion in half,
granted. “Fine. They didn't get that wet, so it shouldn't need to dry for too long.” Billy took a deep inhale of wet-earth-smell and the perfume of the campfire. Billy tugged down his shorts, dropping them to the cavern ground.
kindly took these as well. Then, he nonchalantly grabbed onto Billy’s red
jockstrap and slipped it off just as easily, tossing it next to his other wet
I guess we’re doing that too,” Billy said nervously, naked but for the chain
around his neck. He looked down. I wish I wasn’t so cold. This is false
hunter winced, grabbing for his back. “Agh.”
noticed the wound from the lion’s claw. It wasn’t bad, but the three red lines
looked like they hurt badly. “Oh, I’m sorry. You ok?”
grunted. He nodded, waving towards a gnarl of grass immediately behind Billy. “Medicine,”
he said. “Medicine for hurt.” He turned around, showing off his massive, muscular back,
and pointed to his injury.
Damn, he's wide as a truck! Billy
happily grabbed the scraggly grass. “Like this?” He applied it, gently, to the
flinched. Then, he sighed with relief. “Yes. This medicine is special moss.”
still,” Billy said. He pressed down. “Woah, you do not skip back day, do
you?” He held the moss a moment longer, until Auru turned back around to face
face was soft and understanding as he reached up and placed his hand on Billy’s
cheek. “This one is kind.”
Billy blushed. Auru's soft touch made the hairs on Billy’s neck prickle in anticipation. The 21st century himbo considered saying something, anything, to break the tension (Auru was definitely more of the
strong, silent type) when he noticed something on the wall. Many ‘somethings’,
in fact.
They were cave
paintings, etched in black and ochre red, with images overlapping each other.
The fire light, which had, by now, grown in size, didn’t simply illuminate the drawings
of bulls, elks, and lions flocking across the wall, it enchanted them.
Now, Billy understood the reason for the ‘overlapping’ style of art. The shadow-flicker of the fire made the pictures move, like frames of
animation. Stick figure hunters pursued bulls. Elks ran across streams. The
walls of the cave were as alive as the world outside Auru's home.
breakups. Gods. Time travel. Lions. All of it was worth it for this exact moment,
Billy decided.
noticed Billy regarding the art. “Me make pictures. Clan say me foolish for
doing so. But my people…gone now.”
deep sadness in his voice required no further translation. Billy placed a hand
on Auru’s giant shoulder. “What happened to your clan, Auru?”
All stone.”
fire. Big loud. Thunder without lightning. Then, darkness. Then, soil from sky
that make everyone stone. Me? On hunt. Not become stone.”
took Billy a moment to put the archaic puzzle piece together. Thunder without
lighting. A volcanic eruption. Fire from the sky. Pumice ash, or a pyroclastic
cloud. Like Pompeii, it had likely suffocated and entombed Auru’s people,
turning them to ‘stone’.
grabbed onto Billy’s hand and placed it over his large chest. “My heart…it hurt
without wound.” With his free hand, he touched the skin beneath his eyes with
his fingertips. “My eyes…like rain.”
He really was alone. Billy kept his hand on his chest for a few seconds, then took it back. “I…am so sorry.” He hoped Auru understood. For Billy, ‘sorry’ had never felt substantial enough to convey any real meaning anyway. Certainly not recently...
Auru's eyes signalled his understanding. “That is why I make picture. If no picture, nobody know my people
were here.” Auru nodded to the wall of art. “Nobody know me here.”
stood. From Billy’s position on the ground, he looked even larger. He walked to
one of the more detailed drawings, a flock of horned cattle. “This,” he said,
pointing at the picture. “Auru.” Then, he patted his chest. “Me. Auru.”
“Auru,” Billy repeated. He dug deep into his knowledge of ancient languages, found what he was looking for, and smiled. Yes! That’s close to the ancient, etymological origin for the word ‘aurochs’, or bull. Not so himbo now, huh!
caveman smiled at the sound of his name. “Me, Auru.”
returned the grin. Then, he slyly locked eyes with Auru. The caveman smiled
back. “You’re very handsome, you know? Do you understand what I'm saying?”
“Gah!” Even more shocking than seeing live mammoths, was a prehistoric man blushing bright red! Auru scratched his hair, in a fidgety, bashful tick.
Billy looked down and noticed something peeking out from just beneath Auru’s loincloth. Either the material was shorter than Billy had originally estimated, or Auru’s penis had gotten longer.
He can't be both a grower and a shower, Billy thought. That's just not fair! Seems the big man had become erect. It made sense, of course. All that that skin-to-skin contact, and the warm fire. The closeness…
Still, Billy didn't want to give Auru the wrong idea. He made an excuse and grabbed his shirt and shorts from the sticks near the fire. The clothing was mostly dry, so he tugged his shirt and shorts back on his body. Guess I'm going commando now...
Auru scratched his head. "Why Bil-Lee put skins back on?" The
caveman pointed to a pile of leaves and mosses—a not very comfortable looking
bedding. “Billy? Mate now? Good?”
Billy had experienced some rather impromptu hook-ups in equally impromptu places before,
but a Palaeolithic cave had to take the cake. Swallowing, and just a little bit
nervous, Billy took a deep breath. “Consent from a caveman. You’re a classic
gentleman, Auru…”
Well, no turning back now. Billy positioned himself on his knees. His skimpy, workout shorts did not cover his knees, and 'cave' wasn’t the most comfortable surface to kneel on, besides. Billy hoped this next bit would justify the scrapes and potential bruising to follow.
Because he was about to blow Auru's Palaeolithic mind.
looked up into Auru’s curious, intelligent eyes, and smiled. “Alright. Let me show you
something, Auru. Some...modern mating techniques.”
couldn’t resist pulling up Auru’s loincloth and giving his girth a closer
inspection. True to his namesake, Auru's bull-balls were both massive and low hanging. His uncut cock wasn’t monstrously long, but it was certainly wide and thick, with a soft round,
proportional head—dark, smooth, and veiny.
In other words, it was perfect.
Billy placed his lips to the tip, looking up only to gauge Auru’s reaction, and then began
drawing a ring around its head with his tongue.
big man’s moan resonated into Billy’s mouth. “Ogggh. Feels…good.”
Hell yeah it does, big guy. Billy moved his tongue slowly down the shaft, down to his balls, earthy with the smell of man. Billy suckled on them, slowly easing into the mood himself. He felt his cock twitching. This was definitely one great way to warm up from the cold.
the wild man moaned. “Feel very good.”
It dawned on Billy that he might be giving the first blowjob in all of human history. In any case, Billy took all of Auru inside his mouth. Auru was more wide than long.
caveman responded enthusiastically, perhaps more than Billy expected. He
clamped his big hand around Billy’s head and drove his mouth down. “More. Want more.”
"Mmmmf." Billy felt his eyes watering, with the need to suppress his gag reflex. Fortunately, for all parties involved, Billy was especially talented in two areas: turning in last-minute historical essays, and turning cocks into deep-throated cocks.
Billy allowed Auru to use his mouth and throat as a sex toy. The erotic high was impossible to measure. Whenever Billy was comfortable with his ‘mates’, he loved having his mouth used like this, and he gladly pleasured and pumped his own cock under the hem of his shorts while Auru went to work with the same intensity as starting a fire.
Unable to control himself, Billy pulled down the hem of his shorts to free his erection. A thread of Billy's precum fell to the cave floor.
With a soft groan, Auru withdrew himself from Billy’s mouth. His stone age tool hung wet and hard in front of his new friend, who wanted only to dive back in. “Wait,” Auru said. He grabbed Billy by the skull (which hurt, but in a good way) and forced him into his feet. Billy had little time to react before Auru kissed him. Deep.
Auru used a lot of tongue, and at times Billy thought Auru was trying to eat him
from the inside, but it felt right. Historians and scientists still
hadn’t quite figured out why humans kissed, but it was apparent to Billy that
they had already been doing this for some time. Auru's beard was soft against Billy's lips.
Auru finally permitted Billy air, trailing a long string of saliva as they parted mouths. Eager to keep the passion going, Billy put his face forward. He stopped when he felt a sudden pressure on his head—Auru gripping down on his skull. It made him freeze. The caveman forced Billy’s head down into his chest, then over into his armpit.
you as mate,” the prehistoric hunk grunted. “Mark you as mine. Smell.”
Which was not a tremendous ask, as Billy's leaking cock answered in lieu of Billy's verbalized permission. Billy gladly buried his face into Auru’s furry
armpit, catching a whiff of his musky odor. Not that Billy had much choice in
the matter, anyway. Auru forced Billy's head deeper, and—fearing he might
suffocate—Billy had no choice but to start tonguing the crook of Auru’s armpit,
tasting his sweat.
caveman shivered and groaned. “Yes. Good mate.” He pulled Billy, gasping, out
of his armpit and then leaned into to sniff him. “Smell like Auru now. Marked as mine. Good.”
was something so dominant and primitive about being forced to coat himself in
Auru’s scent, that Billy couldn’t help but stroke himself in front of the
strong huntsman. Maybe it was an element of the cave-stud’s natural pheromones.
“You can do whatever you want to me,” Billy said, breathless, biting his lip. He hoped he wouldn’t
regret those words—Auru could probably crush him just as easily as he had
snapped that lion in two.
The caveman pointed to the sort-of-carpet; the bedding of leaves behind Billy. “Lay
down. Now.” He tore away his loincloth and tossed it to the ground—his
intentions obvious. “We mate. Now.”
Is this how I die? Billy was genuinely
intrigued (and horny as hell). Erect and wanting, he watched Auru pick up a
soft, green colored gourd, or fruit, from the floor. Auru made an opening at one
end with his stone knife, another opening at the bottom, and then scooped out
the pulp. Then, with bestial desire, he placed the gourd over his cock and
began fucking it. It made a wet, sucking sound that reminded Billy of good
fruit special,” Auru grunted, thrusting in deep, filling the cavern with the
sound of wet, sucking noises. “It make feel very, very good.”
A prehistoric flesh-light! Billy was blown away. Billy watched Auru with lustful enthusiasm, taking in the sight of the man’s pecs and stomach pulsing and bouncing with each primal thrust of his cock. Auru's face remained mostly expressionless, save for his parted lips and eager eyes. Maybe he's just lost in the rut, Billy wondered. Still, there was no questioning Auru's enjoyment.
With a wet pop, Auru pulled glistening, pulsating wet cock free from the gourd and held it up to Billy. “Feel good with me," he said. "Come.” As he said this, the a viscous trail of fluid poured from Auru's throbbing tip to the floor. Either was excess runoff of the fruit, or Auru was leaking precum harder than Billy had ever seen a guy do before.
Billy pointed at himself, not completely understanding what Auru meant until the man crept closer and reclined on his side, facing Billy. Billy mirrored him, laying down in parallel, and looked down at the gourd, or fruit. He held onto it along with Auru while he pushed his own, hard cock into the wet pulp on the opposite end of the wet gourd. He didn't even think of removing his shirt or shorts, which were now yanked to just below his meaty butt.
It was weird, yes, but Billy was always down to try anything at
least once. Or twice.
Billy was glad he did. “Oh fffuuuuuck.” The pang of pleasure was so instant and intense that it made Billy's voice crack. Billy assumed right away that the fruit, which felt warm and amazing on his
cock, had some sort of aphrodisiacal effect in addition to its lubricative properties. Billy even felt his hole twitch,
and his prostate contract. He began thrusting, automatically—an uncontrollable
lust and need to breed taking over his mind.
Auru, an erotic accomplice in this mutual masturbation session, grunted in turn. Billy, despite his ‘civilized’ demeanor, couldn’t help but join him in his low growls and mating sounds. The two men lay facing each other, digging deeply with their rigid members, relentlessly pounding the primitive sex toy. Billy found the sensation of Auru’s fat cock prodding and rubbing against his own to be indescribable, and he suddenly worried he might cum too soon at this rate.
Billy locked eyes with Auru, his partner in ruining this prehistoric flesh-light with the combined power of their girthy cocks. They fell into each other's rhythm, and Billy decided he would love nothing more than to do this for the next several hours. Somehow, doing this while still wearing a cut-sleeve was even more erotic than being completely naked.
Auru’s hair fell over his chest as he nodded to Billy with pride. “Us, together, mate.”
Billy didn’t want to cum yet, but at the same
time, he couldn’t stop fucking and thrusting. “Ugh. Fuck. Yes.” Billy huffed and
grunted like an animal; his inhibitions completely erased. Auru had brought him
into prehistoric realm of the senses, and Billy now felt a kinship with the
breeding beasts painted in ochre on the wall.
With a satisfied growl, Auru withdrew his wet, dripping, and imposing cock from the gourd. To Billy’s disappointment, Auru tossed the fruit to the side. It appeared they’d had both pulverized any further use out of it, anyway.
pointed to the ground. “Now. You, on back. I mount.”
buff history buff nearly did a spit take. “You mean…you wanna’…NOW?”
Auru growled, impatient, and crawled forward on top of Billy, taking Billy's head into the valley of his chest and easily pinning him down with his might. “Mate. NOW."
“Oh, you really think so, bro?” Billy, indignant (and bratty) by nature, fired back. But Auru wasn’t a wild man to take any guff. After a firm glare, Auru pinned Billy’s hands to the cave floor and sat up, straddling Billy's chest.
And compressing it. Billy's eyes bugged out. "OOF! You are heavy!" Can't...breathe.
Billy's sudden oxygen starvation was about to get even more pronounced.
"Grr! Auru show dominance!" The giant caveman shifted his weight on Billy's chest and brought his hips forward, indirectly (or deliberately) spearing Billy square in the face with his massive, wet cock. This was not the only indignity Billy was about to experience, it turned out.
Billy looked up at Auru and glared (internally, he was in paradise) "Bro, what the hell!"
This time, Auru actually snarled at the man trapped beneath him. "BILLY OBEY!" The huge, muscle monster silenced Billy's protests by burying Billy in
the space between his massive, muscle caveman ass, and his giant nuts, making sure to drag his musky genitals across Billy's handsome face.
Billy moaned back, wriggling, and struggling to take in any air that wasn’t
musky, caveman scented.
grunted, purposely grinding against Billy’s face. “I dominate you, now. Auru is the one who breeds. You take Auru.” He growled softly.
Billy felt it from Auru’s pulsating cock vein on his face. “Or no more
breathe.” Auru made his point clear by rearranging himself again, this time threatening to
cover Billy’s nose and mouth with his prehistoric glutes. “Right now, Bill-ee only good for breeding.”
Billy meekly relented, not that it took much convincing on Auru's behalf. A primitive instinct kicked
in, and Billy demonstrated his submissiveness in the situation by licking the
underside of Auru’s nuts and cock until he was satisfied.
can get off me now. Please?”
smiling, nodded most agreeably, picking himself off Billy. “Good mate. Listen
to Auru. Now, Auru take you deep and make you mine.”
There was no doubt about it; Billy needed to give his mate what he wanted. Prehistoric pheromones drowning out Billy’s inhibitions, combined with the effects of the flesh-light fruit, eased Billy into a submissive stupor. Billy couldn’t fight the urge any longer. He had to present himself—almost barbarically—to Auru.
So, Billy turned around, got on all fours, dropped his shorts to his ankles, and spread his massive cheeks for Auru. Face reddening in horny embarrassment, Billy showed him his pink hole, puckering and hungry to be mounted. "Take me," Billy said.
I can’t make babies. But fuck it, let’s try, anyway.
responded by burying his nose and face deep between Billy’s cheeks and
taking a deep, long whiff. “Billy in heat,” Auru grunted, taking some of the gooey
lubricant from inside the gourd and placing it on his fingers. “Mmmm. Perfect for
Billy’s eyes had already rolled into the back of his skull well before Auru buried his two fingers deeply into Billy's hole, spreading him apart. Billy let out a small grunt. "Ah, fuck Yeah, open me up. Finger me. Yeah, just like that. Oh fuck. OH FUCK, AURU."
While Billy had hoped Auru might work on 'opening' him up a little bit more (especially if he intended to put all of that inside) the chemical properties of the mysterious fruit had an effect not unlike poppers. Billy felt the dull pain in his hole, from where Auru had fingered him, turn into a tingling pleasure. He felt his sphincter relax. Billy felt 'soft' and pliable.
Which was a good thing, as Auru didn't waste any time before he pressed his thick head against Billy's puckering hole and took him from behind. "NNNGG!!!"
The first thing Billy quickly (and painfully) learned was that Auru was not a gentle lover. If not for the numbing, ‘relaxing’
stimulation of that magical gourd, Billy would
have probably screamed and asked Auru to pull out at once. Instead, the pain of
his rectum being forced open by Auru’s thick, caveman cock instantly converted
into raw pleasure. Only a certain 'intense' pressure remained, adding fire to the fuel.
“Oh fuck, Auru, oh fuck.” Billy groaned. He heard Auru emit a low huff, and then reposition himself, so that his giant arms wrapped themselves around Billy's waist, pulling himself deeper into Billy's insides.
Billy let himself be fully mounted by his bull. Auru didn’t wait for Billy to adjust. He went straight into thrusting deep and fast, grunting, and groaning.
Billy joined him, mostly because he no longer
had any control over his senses. Auru had reduced him to a base, primitive
nature. Billy’s words turned into moans and growls, with every one of his Auru's deep thrust. Just
before he completely lost himself, Billy recalled some homoerotic, locker room
talk among his friends bragging about lovers that could open up their ‘second
hole’, whatever that meant. Billy was a historian, not a biologist, so he had
no idea what corresponded anatomically to a ‘second hole’—but if he was in possession
of one, Auru was definitely reaching it right now.
it felt indescribable.
After a serious thrust that Billy generally felt might damage his insides, Auru removed himself with a loud moan. It was enough to momentarily pull Billy back from the brink, so that he might find out what was going on with his caveman buddy. As Billy turned his head to look back, Auru dug his hands into the sides of Billy's big thighs—almost painfully. The caveman twisted Billy around to face him.
“Wh-what?” Billy asked, cock throbbing and hole dilated.
“Best position to mate,” Auru grunted. He leaned over, driving his hands beneath Billy's shirt, bringing it up over his chest to highlight the modern stud's pectorals.
The firelight reflected back in Auru's eyes, full of strength, warmth, and tenderness. He was the fire. Though gentle in demeanor, Auru was not gentle about forcing Billy’s legs apart and yanking them over his shoulders, much as he’d done to the lion.
This was no longer just sex. This was rutting between two wild, male beasts.
Auru positioned himself so that Billy's thighs were flush with his own belly and chest. Auru re-mounted Billy in a mating press—a name that could not have been more appropriate in this moment. Back pushed against the hard rocks, and ankles wrapped around Auru’s thick neck, Billy took a deep breath, pushing out while Auru pushed in.
Auru grimaced with arousal, trapping Billy between his massive body and the
ground. He moved in and out, pushing down, digging into Billy with the
intensity and mindlessness of a wild animal driven solely by its biological
Auru was heavy. In fact, Billy couldn't remember having a man this big and beefy on top of him. Billy was starting to feel like the gourd that he and Auru had fucked into pulp. Billy grit his teeth and dug his fingers into the cavern floor, as Auru rhythmically pulled out and shoved him back in. Billy didn’t know what might happen first, Auru crushing his outsides with his bulk, or crushing his insides with his cock. Billy considered whether he was about to die, or if he was on the verge of quite possible the biggest, juiciest orgasm of his life.
Or both!
The caveman stopped and looked into Billy’s eyes with assurance. Having bent Billy nearly in half, Auru leaned in and gave Billy another tongue-filled kiss, a reprieve. He nodded. “Go more. Auru’s mate strong. Auru’s mate brave. Can take all of Auru.” Despite the assurance, Auru's demeanor suggest a mode more feral, made even clearer when Auru finally forced Billy's shirt over his head, threatening to rip it right off his body. He tossed it to the corner of the cave.
Billy had to force his eyes from the back of his skull to meet Auru directly, with yearning. “Y-yes,” Billy moaned back. "I can take you. Breed me. Breed me like your mate." Internally, though, Billy was not so sure how much of this depraved rut he could endure!
give everything.” Auru thrust down and out, riding Billy with wild abandon.
This is what pavement must feel like when it’s being jackhammered, Billy thought, seriously considering tapping out. Auru's thrusting gave Billy's moans a staccato effect, matching the percussive sounds of wet slapping. "OOOH-OH-OHHH-OHHH-OH FFFFUCK!"
Billy held on, of
course. Auru might have been a a caveman with the rutting instincts of a wild beast,
single-minded in its mating, but Billy was a vers-bottom from the Boston
suburbs. He had been training his whole life (and his hole’s life) for a moment
like this.
But Auru
did not simply plow Billy’s hole without mercy; he knew how to position himself
to hit Billy’s spot too. Billy, losing his grip on reality, decided it was
simultaneously the roughest and sweetest way anybody had ever fucked him.
hair dangled down into Billy’s face, which somehow made the experience even
more erotic. Billy wanted to keep staring into Auru’s eyes, to hold onto that
flicker of humanity, but the sensations coursing through his body forced his
eyes back into his head.
Auru grunted. “Mate. Bill…lee. Bill…lee feel good.”
fuck, this feels…amazing.”
you…how to roar. Roar, Billy!”
The transformation took hold. Billy momentarily forgot himself, and his language, and his era, surrendering himself completely to primal ecstasy.
Auru growled at him,
and Billy growled back. Their grunts and yelps rose, playing off each other in
perfect cadence to Auru’s thrusts, until they combined into one, long primitive
thought he felt his g-spot actually contract and spasm. The next thing he knew,
he was roaring, drooling, grunting, and shooting jets of milky, white cum all over
himself, including his face…which made his cock spurt even harder. At the same
time, Billy felt something warm and wet fill his insides, spilling out across his
thighs and lower back.
Thank goodness he couldn’t actually get pregnant.
As Auru pulled out, Billy watched—half fascinated, half mortified—as a steady stream of pearlescent cum trickled out of his swollen hole, onto the cave floor. With each throbbing, opening of Billy's battered hole, another spurt of white released itself.
and likely on the verge of a cardiac episode, Billy leaned backwards, ignoring the cuts and scrapes making scratch-art on his back (the blanket of
leaves only doing the bare minimum to keep him comfortable).
“Damn,” Billy sighed, feeling the warm caveman’s head lay against his chest. “You were right about being fertile.” He breathed. He sighed. He tried not to imagine what his anal cavity looked like right now.
Content, and covered in sweat, Auru looked down at Billy and smiled. “See? Now you and I have many babies! You will stay with Auru and be mate.”
And though Billy smiled back (mostly because he'd just received the best dicking down of his life) inside he screamed, OH NO, WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO!?
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